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信息的变更频度如何?How often does it change?

持续测试包括了广度和频度。Continuous testing encompasses both breadth and frequency.

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火对水文的影响有大有小,它取决于火强度和频度。The magnitude of effects is decided by fire intensity and frequency.

同时,你问问题的方式,时间以及问问题的频度同样也非常重要。How, when , and how often you ask these questions are also important.

某种程度上讲,这种尝试可以减少支持电话的花销和发生频度。Partly, this is an attempt to reduce the cost and incidence of support calls.

结果抗糖尿病药物的销售金额和用药频度均呈现增长趋势。Results Sales sum and DDDs of anti-diabetic agents revealed an increasing tendency.

结果抗糖尿病药物的销售金额和用药频度均呈增长趋势。Results Sales sum and DDDs of anti- diabetic agents revealed an increasing tendency.

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目的调查住院躁狂和抑郁症的症状分布和频度。To investigate the distribution and frequency of symptoms in manic- depressive disorder.

词语出现频率指出一系列搜索词语在文档中的出现频度。Word occurrence rates indicate how frequently a set of search words occurs within a document.

目的探讨糖尿病神经根病的诊断及其发病频度。Objective To determine the incidence of radiculopathy in diabetic patients neurophysiologically.

本文报道了芜湖市1996年和1998年医疗照射频度水平。Frequency of medical radiation exposure in Wuhu city in 1996 and 1998 was reported in this article.

干旱的频度广度以及其造成的损失,也是自1886年以来前所未闻的。The frequency and scope of and loss from the droughts have been unprecedented since 1886, he added.

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影响可读性的因素包括词句的长度,以及非常用词的出现频度。Factors that affect readability include sentence and word length, and the frequency of uncommon words.

结论使用频度最高的紫外线吸收剂为4-甲氧基肉桂酸-2-乙基己酯。Conclusion The ultra-violet absorbent of the maximum use frequency was 2-ethylhexyl-4-methoxycinnamate.

颅面肌麻痹的频度以眼外肌发生率最高。The incidence of extraocular muscle paralysis was the highest among all cranial-facial muscle paralyses.

年岁较小且与伴侣关系较好的妇女同样可有较高的性生活频度。Younger women and those in a significant relationship were also more likely to have sex more frequently.

因此,不论是从领域、频度还是从规模、组织等维度来看,现阶段我国都处于突发公共事件的多发期。So it can be thought that China is currently in a critical period characterized by such public accidents.

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白头山火山地震分为四种类型,其地震特点是频度高、强度低震源集中。The seismic activities of the volcanic earthquake in Baitou Mountain area can be divided into four types.

神经症伴性障碍组的性生活质量低,性频度、性后快感均低。The sexual life quality, sexual behavior frequency and pleasant sensation after sexual behavior were low.

用药频度排序列前3位的是阿司匹林片、脑安胶囊和注射用腺苷钴胺。Aspirin tablet, Nao'an capsule and Cobamamide for injection took up the first 3 places in the list of DDDs.