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现在,打开电钻。Now, run the drill.

用于打钻墙壁锚栓孔的电钻。Drill for drilling wall anchor holes.

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我爸不用电钻,用线钻。Father didn’t use a drill, he used a thread.

电钻用起来一样顺手而且更为安静。This works just as well and it's more quiet.

砂纸或钢丝刷对一个电钻。Sand paper or a wire brush on an electric drill.

然后用电钻在槽口处打孔。Be in stiletto in notch with electric drill next.

方像武士刀,林像电钻”。Side likely katana , forest likely electric drill"."

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钢管按焊缝的方式分成直缝焊管和电钻焊管。Manner according to weld steel into Longitudinal and drill pipe.

生产各类电锤,电钻,磨光机等电动工具。Production of Hammer, electric drills , electric pole and tools.

使用电钻时板墙筋之间的空隙刚刚能容下6英寸的钻头。I was just able to fit my drill and 6-inch bit between the studs.

手镐已被风镐和电钻取而代之。Hand picks have been replaced by pneumatic picks and electric drills.

除了錾子之外,你也可以选择使用电钻来钻碎冻住的锁柱。Instead of a cold chisel, you can use an electric drill on the frozen lock cylinder.

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试想一下,一年里,你会有多少小时去使用电钻,或者电锯,打钉枪,地毯清洗机等等工具。What about the power saw, the nail gun, the chainsaw, and the carpet shampoo machine?

这家店里价位较低的电器,如电钻,大部分都贴着“中国制造”的标签。Here most of the cheaper appliances, such as the electric drills, are “Made in China”.

这些工艺可能会用到染色、挤压,甚至用砂纸和电钻对未经加工的牛仔裤进行处理。These might involve dying, pressing, and even using sandpaper and drills on the raw jeans.

另外我们还买了一架电动榫凿和一个最新式的电钻。Besides, we bought a power mortise chisel and an electric drill of the latest model as well.

可以用电钻突破第一层皮质,然后换成手摇钻扩孔。One technique is to use power reaming to penetrate the first cortex and then switch to hand reaming.

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主要产品有手电钻、石材切割机、角向磨光机、电锤、管道疏通器等。Our main products are electric drill, marble cutter, angle grinder, rotary hammer, pipe dredger, etc.

记住,在处理作业时,你不能使用电钻,只能用在1970年才会使用的原始手摇钻。Mind that you don’t have any power drill at your disposal but only a primitive hand brace used in 1970.

当融合系统识别出电钻出现异常情况时,自动停机程序反应快速准确,能在0.2-0.3秒之内使电钻停止磨削。The stop program made the drill stop drilling in 0.2-0.3 seconds when the drilling faults was identified.