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在干旱季节,他们务农。In the dry season, they farm.

天气这么干旱,没有好吃的蛋。No good eggs with this drouth.

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南澳大利亚是干旱气候。South Australia is dry climate.

但比利牛斯山脉应该特别干旱。The Pyrenees I suppose are dry.

干旱过去常持续几个月。They used to last a few months.

雨水渗进了干旱的土地。The rain sank into the dry ground.

干旱发烫的土地把雨水全吸光了。The hot dry earth drank up the rain.

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一些植物在干旱的天气里会枯萎。Some plants flag in hot, dry weather.

缺少雨水使土地变得干旱。The lack of rain had parched the land.

这可能与棕钙土的长期干旱有关。This one relate to arid of brown soil.

气候干旱而严寒,自然条件恶劣。The Climate there is quite dry and cold.

长期的干旱使所有的井都干涸了。The long drought dried up all the wells.

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气候正在向干旱化发展。The climate is getting more and more dry.

那里的干旱正在耗尽财力物力。Thee drought there is stretching resources.

干旱的庄稼渴饮甘雨。The thirsty crops drank in the welcome rain.

地下水位因干旱已降低。The water-table has been lowered by drought.

一个则占据较干旱的沙壤土。One occupies relatively dry sandy loam soils.

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中国北方干旱地区开始降雪。Snowfall brings respite to drought-hit areas.

因为气候干旱,作物歉收。The crops failed because the seasons was dry.

这个植物适合于生长在干旱的环境。This plant is adapted to a xeric environment.