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他被同屋住的人痛揍了一顿。He was hided by his roommates.

我的同屋比我起得晚。Myroommate gets up later than I do.

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也就是她现在的同屋。And that person is currently her flatmate.

我的同屋刘明发表了一篇重要论文。Liu Ming my room-mate has published an important thesis.

你会转向你的同屋,并询问“你为什么藏我的钥匙?”You turn to your partner and say “why did you hide my keys?”

好开心可以响工馀时同屋企人享天伦乐!So happy I get time on the side to spend with my family as well!

我同屋近几个星期都一直心神不宁的,他在考虑到底要不要向他女朋友求婚。for weeks trying to decide whether to ask his girl friend to marry him.

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与我同屋的人是一位刚从学毕业的青年教师。The man with whom I share the room is a young teacher fresh from college.

事实上,我平时中意某系图书馆同屋企多过去行街。In fact, I seldom go shopping. I prefer library and home to shopping mall.

我给你们介绍一下儿,这位是新同学,是我的同屋。I have a little intro for you, this person is new student, he is my roommate.

你的电脑也坏啦!哎哟,本来还真想先借你的用呢!没事,我可以用我同屋的电脑。My computer is broken, too, so I can't let you use it to re-write your project.

但是虽然同屋人很好,很帮忙,还是有一种很深的失去了自己的位置的感觉。Yet for me, even though my new roommate was very helpful, I still felt disoriented.

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在中国,有五个同屋是普通的,但是在美国大部分的学生只有一个同屋。In China, it is common to have 5 roommates, but in America most students only have one.

第二天一早,他的同屋和女朋友来警局销案,李先生被放出来了。The next morning, his roommate and girlfriend to police dismissed, Mr Lee was released.

记得曾经有一次在中国,中国同屋没有经过我同意就用了我的电脑。I remember once when I was in China, my roommate used my computer without my permission.

为什么你开会迟到?我让你的同屋告诉你改时间的事了。Why did you come to the meeting late? I left a message with your roommate about the time change.

安娜也认识了对杨漠不关心的同屋主玛花,发现她为汽车公司作模拟撞击测试实验品为生。Martha, Jan's equally apathetic roommate, keeps her head above water as a human crash test dummy.

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阿列克斯和亨利·骚伯同屋,而亨利是四年级级长之一,他准知道。Alex rooms with Henry Thorpe, and since Henry is one of the senior prefects, he would know for sure.

从苔丝身后的园子阴暗处传来一阵哈哈大笑,笑声同屋内的嬉笑声交织在一起。A loud laugh from behind Tess's back, in the shade of the garden, united with the titter within the room.

我和我同屋用几个小时给它喂水,试着让它吃下一点儿炒鸡蛋。My roommate and I spent hours putting water in his mouth and trying to get him to swallow a few scrambled eggs.