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或者,你现在应该明白我指的那“拖累”是谁?And the deal with you-know-who?

子女过多是个拖累。Too many children are a burden.

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他们不会在路上拖累大家。They can't encumber us on the road.

我就像船锚,会拖累别人的。All I'll do is drag him down with me.

你不想拖累任何人!You don't want to cumber with anyone!

不愿拖累老师独自流汗。Dont's want to cumber with my teacher.

她被家务事拖累。She was cumbered with household cares.

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他不愿有家室拖累。He refused to lumber himself with a family.

在一定程度上,人类拖累了地球。To a certain extent, mankind encumbers the Earth.

我不想使自己受不必要的行李拖累。I don't want encumber myself with unnecessary luggage.

李荇帮忙也就算了,又怎能拖累了他?Li Xing helps also even if, how can implicate him anew?

拉格菲尔德并不为任何老旧东西所拖累。Mr. Lagerfeld does not suffer any of this old business.

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外表要看的过去,但别被你的外表拖累。Look presentable, but don’t obsess over your appearance.

我不想使自己受不必要的行李拖累。I don't want to encumber myself with unnecessary luggage.

要是没有家眷拖累,他早就远走高飞了。Had it not been for his family, He'd have gone away long ago.

弗兰肯先生一直把妻子看作是自己的拖累。Mr Frankin always referred to his wife as his ball and chain.

这可能会拖累经济增长,并加剧贸易摩擦。That could weigh on growth, and intensify frictions over trade.

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这两套措施分别看都是美国经济增长的小拖累。Each of these measures is a small drag on growth in the economy.

以前,我们的生活没有这么多条件限制和拖累。In the old days life was not so much conditional and encumbered.

权重股也振荡回落,部分拖累了指数。Oscillation heavyweights also fell, dragged down part of the index.