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每年,我家都要有一次弃物甩卖。Every year, our family holds a rummage sale.

我们的周末车库甩卖处理大部分其他物品。Our weekend-long garage sale took care of most everything else.

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不过即便是甩卖,傻妞也有自己的一套。Nevertheless even if is reduction sale, foolish a when girl also has him.

这项贷款明年七月才到期,不过现在有些放款人已经在按票面价值的折扣价甩卖这些贷款了。Some lenders have been selling pieces of it at a discount from face value.

甩卖已成为城区的社交活动,吸引着各个年龄段的人们。Garage sales have become suburban social events, drawing people of all ages.

我们认真地给每件物品定价以使我们巨大的车库旧物甩卖能够成功。We priced everything carefully so that our giant garage sale would be successful.

“伊豆”由米尔特鸽舍在弗瑞迪凡德布兰迪的清仓甩卖中购得。"Edou" was purchased by Myrtle Lofts from Freddy Vandenbrande's Entire Clearance Sale.

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那时他买入的次级抵押贷款担保证券的违约担保正在以极低价格甩卖。The insurance he bought on securities backed by subprime mortgages was selling at dirt-cheap prices.

现在看来,“下一笔大交易”的前景不容乐观,主要是因为欧洲各银行并没有进行减价甩卖。For now the “next great trade” is not looking that good, mainly because there have been no fire sales.

埃里克森一家决定像许多其他美国人近来所做的那样——搞一次“庭院甩卖”。The Ericksons decided to do what a lot of other Americans are doing these days -- have a “garage sale.”

两年来,基金们一直在为欧洲银行们将要甩卖的肥肉流口水。For more than two years funds have been salivating over the slew of assets that Europe’s banks will have to sell.

ING的不良资产已经被220亿的贷款所担保,而且它们已经开始对旗下的资产进行甩卖。The bank has been handed €22bn in loan guarantees for its toxic assets and has already started a firesale of units.

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我们清仓甩卖在10天后就结束了,之后你就再别希望有机会能以超低贱卖价淘得我们这些有限量宝贝了。Our clearance sale will end in 10 days, you won't get another chance at our limited quality stock for these throwaway prices.

来自意大利媒体报导说,国米可能会在夏季甩卖韦拉,用阿仙奴的迪亚比来替代他。Inter Milan could offload Patrick Vieira in the summer and replace him with Arsenal's Abou Diaby, according to reports in Italy.

早起的鸟儿能吃到最好的虫子,至少是能在周末家庭旧物甩卖会上淘到好东西,但是早鸟们也比夜猫子疲劳的更快。Early birds may get the best worms—or at least the best garage sale deals—but they also tire out more quickly than night owls do.

借着国庆长假的销售黄金期,蒙牛、伊利等国内大品牌,不计成本地甩卖液态奶。By National Day vacation period sales of gold, Mengniu, Erie , and other large domestic brands at low prices and sale of liquid milk.

我们连续三个晚上点蜡烛自习吃饭,直到他从旧货甩卖那里弄来一个丑不拉几的维多利亚台灯。We spent three whole nights studying and eating by candlelight until he bought us those ugly Victorian lamps he found at a garage sale.

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投资家们害怕丧失强势货币,纷纷购买阿根廷美元标价的债券而甩卖他们的比索等价物。Fearful they would lose access to hard currency, investors bought Argentina's dollar-denominated bonds and dumped their peso equivalents.

在太平洋彼岸,美国的破烂王们正在关闭作坊,削减产量并且用跳楼价甩卖他们积攒的废料。Across the Pacific, waste traders in the United States are shutting mills, cutting production and selling their stock at fire-sale prices.

车库甩卖经济在此地方兴未艾,在美国其他地方也一样。The garage-sale economy is flourishing here and in many other regions of the country, so much so that some cities have begun cracking down.