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但是现在,这只是履历表中的一个栏目。Now it’s just a résumé item.

我将会在未来的栏目里解释其原因。I’ll explain why in a future column.

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口琴曲谱栏目里面有。You can find it in the tunes column.

他使他的栏目侧重于青少年。He angled his column towards teenagers.

选择包含清单中的所有栏目。Choose to include all columns in the list.

“酷事物”是slashfilm.com的每日特色栏目。Cool Stuff is a daily feature of

我们拥有自己的语言培训电视栏目!We have our own TV program of language training!

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如何在本栏目中加入古丹妮金牌酒庄联盟?How to add columns in Goldeny Gold Chateau Union?

欢迎来到“周五科学”栏目。She joins us from KUSC. Welcome to SCIENCE FRIDAY.

欢迎回到"周末报道"栏目,我是杰克.萨尔茨.Welcome to "The Weekend Report." I'm Jake Seltzer.

这些主题将在以后的栏目中详细介绍。Future columns will present these topics in detail.

该栏目中纽约时报为读者的争论充当牧师角色。Here the New York Times curates its readers' debate.

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他们使其栏目侧重于现代年轻女性。They angled their column towards modern young women.

网友实拍某栏目现场——肮脏!Net friend reality pat some column scene Augean stable!

本文对前期创造社期刊的栏目设置进行了分析。This thesis pays attention to the Column establishment.

写出以下动词的-ing形式,并根据拼写规则填入正确的栏目。Write the correcting form of these verbs in the columns.

李咏是一个极好的主持人。许多人都喜欢“幸运52”。这个栏目让人感到轻松。Li Yong is a host. Many people Lucky 52, because it them.

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我在搜狐视频栏目找到一系列有趣的节目。I find a very interesting series TV program in tv. sohu. com.

这里是触碰时尚栏目,我是你们的老朋友,思源。My dear friends, This is time of TOUCH THE FASHION, I'm cici.

粗中名词的复数形式填入正确的栏目中。Write the plurals of these words in the correct columns below.