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她依旧给我们家看家。She is still guarding my family.

沉重的脚步声惊醒了看家豿。The sound of heavy footsteps awoke the watchdog.

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圣诞节时我一般都会回家看家人。I normally go home for Christmas and visit my family.

我们养了一条看门狗来看家防贼。We keep a watchdog to guard the house against thieves.

这出地方剧目一直是这个剧团赖以为生的看家节目。This local play has been the bread and butter of the troupe.

曾几何时,在美国你必须有一个看家的本事才能成为名人。Once upon a time, it took actual talent to become a celebrity in America.

从我毕业时,家人为了看家护院便买了一只狗来养。From my graduation, family in order to guard home he bought a dog to keep.

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再者,当家里没人时,宠物也能看家护院。Moreover, petscan also look after the house and when there's no one at home.

它主人每天都悉心照顾它,而宾果也会每天帮忙看家。The host looks after it carefully every day and Bingo helps to guard the house.

牛、羊的转录启动区具有TATA型看家基因启动子特征。Their transcription promoter regions have the characteristics of TATA-promoter.

结果,女性只能留下来看家,前途一片渺茫。As a result, most women are left to care for the home with little hope of a future.

家家都有狗看家护院,这是上千年来的传统。Each family all have the dog guard home, this is for over a thousand years tradition.

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便雅明,你是我们当中年纪最小、身子最弱的,所以你就呆在家里看家,我们其他人出去找吃的东西。You, Benjamin, you are the youngest and weakest. You shall stay at home and keep house.

我喜欢狗,就养三四条看家护院的大狼狗。I like dogs, 34, look after the house on the big German shepherds guarding the hospital.

其中那些能够擦玻璃、看家和扫地的机器人开始畅销。Sales are taking off for robots that wash windows, scan for intruders and sweep the floor.

看家的狗在火炉旁边安静地躺着,牛羊在栏圈里一声不响地站着。The watch-dog has lain quiet on the hearth, and the cattle have stood silent in their stalls.

我拜访过那儿的几个朋友,他们要么做看家保姆,要么是真的在那儿有房子。And a few friends I've visited have either been housesitting there or actually have spaces there.

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在这种情况下,你也许已经花了不少时间看家用早孕检测试纸产品了。In this regard, you may already have taken the time to look at a couple home pregnancy test products.

此外,为了保护家畜,可以考虑饲养能看家的动物如狗,驴,美洲驼甚至鸵鸟。And to protect livestock, consider using guard animals such as dogs, donkeys, llamas and even ostriches.

看家基因有较短的编码序列可能是为提高它们的转录效率自然选择造成的。The shorter coding sequences may be a result of natural selection for improved translational efficiency.