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这里有很长很长的索桥。There was a long and long rope bridge.

他们怎样才能在17分钟内全部走过索桥?How do the campers make it across in 17 minutes?

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他们怎样才能在17分钟内全部走过索桥?。How can they all came in 17 minutes the rope bridge?

摆桥是索桥的一种。The rickety bridge is one that's kind of a rope bridge.

索桥从中间断了,两头塌了下去。The rope bridge breaks in the middle and both halves fall apart.

介绍桥梁结构的一种新型式—空间预应力索桥。A new bridge structure, the spatial prestressed cable bridge is described.

4个人晚上要穿过一座索桥回到他们的营地。Four people need to cross a rickety rope bridgeto get back to their camp at night.

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有早期的索桥、拱桥、塔桥、斜拉桥和钢筋混凝土桥。There are rope bridges, arch bridges, tower bridges, cable bridges and reinforced concrete bridges.

上海杨浦大桥是世界最长的斜拉索桥,全长7658米,仅用了29个月建成。Shanghai Yangpu Bridge is world's longest suspension bridge, with the full length of 7,658 meters long.

文中还以斜索桥为例进行计算,并与通用程序计算结果进行了比较。It calculates for the static analysis of cable_stayed bridge, and compares with the results of current programs.

他越是靠近那干涸的河床和海棠树索桥,他就越能感觉到自己的心跳。The closer he came to the dry creek bed and the crab apple tree rope the more he could feel the beating of his heart.

到去年年底,已与好几个国签订了建造拉索桥的合同或协议。By the end of last year, contracts or agreement were signed with some countries for the construction of chain bridges.

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不带手电过桥是相当危险的,而且索桥每次只能撑得起两个人的重量。The bridge is too dangerous to cross without a flashlight, and it's only strong enough to support two people at any given time.

通过索桥很危险必须拿着手电通过,而且索桥每次只能禁得起两个人的重量。The bridge is too dangerous to cross without a flashlight, and it’s only strong enough to support two people at any given time.

花江索桥则成了黄金、盐、等重要物资运输和通向云南的重要通道。Huajiang rope bridge became the important channels of transporting gold, salt and etc important materials, and giving into Yunnan.

通过索桥必须要拿着手电,而且索桥每次只能撑得起两个人的份量。Must be holding a flashlight through the rope bridge, and the rope bridge you can only make it, the weight of two people from the.

到去年年底,上海已与好几个国家签订了建造拉索桥的合同协议。By the end of last year, contracts or agreements were signed with some countries for the construction of chain bridges of Shanghai.

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这座长800米的大桥是该国最长,世界第五长的斜拉索桥。It is big, though, with an 800-meter-long-main span that's the largest for a cable-stayed bridge in the nation, and the fifth largest globally.

基于索—梁混合有限元理论,分析索桥在水平冲击载荷作用下的动态特性,分析中采用修正刚度法求解非线性有限元运动方程,得到有价值的结果。In this paper, on the basis of mixed finite element theory of cable-beam, we have studied cable bridge's dynamic properties under level shock load.

据了解,这间奇特的“海盗船”卧室有索桥、岗亭、双层隐形滑道、铁牢房甚至一条通往贮藏室的绳梯。The special bedroom features a rope bridge, crow's nest, a two-storey hidden slide, wrought-iron jail cell and even hidden rope ladder access to the closet.