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该评述包括九十年代中期以前的资料。This survey covers the data to mid-90.

她当即做了这些评述。She had made these remarks offhandedly.

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本文主要是介绍和评述凯尔逊的“纯粹法”理论。This thesis is about Kelsen's pure theory.

这就是今天我要要跟你们评述的。This is what I have to commentate for you today.

对几种铝盐混凝剂进行了评述。This paper discusses several aluminum salt coagulants.

本文评述了热释光断代的近况。A review on the thermoluminescence dating is presented.

他就现代的政治局势做了评述。He commentated on the contemporary political situation.

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第二部分是雷海宗主要著作评述。The second part will comment Lei Haizong's major works.

对于CQT的一些局限性文中也作了简单的评述。Some comments concerning the limitations of CQT are given.

文中也对该方法存在的问题进行了分析和评述。This paper have simple commentary about the problem in it.

文章扼要评述了戴望舒的诗论。This paper briefly comments on the poetics of Dai Wang-shu.

对近年来尼泊金酯类催化合成方法进行评述。Recent methods of Nipagin esters were reviewed in the paper.

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颁奖之前他概括地评述了阿瑟黑利的小说。He surveyed Arthur Hailey's novels before presenting the award.

第四部分评述威尔第这部歌剧的音乐总体特征风格。Part Four commentates on the whole style of the opera of Verdi.

最后,评述了光纤陀螺的发展趋势。The developing tendency of fiberoptic gyro is reviewed at last.

第四章评述弗罗鲁斯在后世的影响和流传情况。The fourth chapter draws an outline of the influence of Florus.

评述了东方站地区钻探的技术经济指标。Technology and economics of drilling in the region are evaluated.

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本文简要评述了胶束催化的进展。This review deals with the recent progress on micellar catalysis.

本文就钛酸钡陶瓷粉体的制备技术作了综合评述。The paper reviewed synthesis techniques of BaTiO 3 ceramic powder.

评述了近年来季铵型阳离子淀粉干法制备研究进展。In this paper, dry process of preparing cationic starch is reviewed.