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“这说明他并不暴戾。”拉辛汗说。"So he's not violent, "Rahim Khan said.

也不要畏缩于冰雹的暴戾Nor shrink from the whips of the terrible hail

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盖尔人是一个穷兵黩武,专横暴戾的贵族阶层。The gaels were a military and oppressive aristocracy.

欣夫老贼的帖子里尽是暴戾之气!In the Xinfu husband old thief's card is the cruel gas!

葛哈德的心情还是那么忿怒那么暴戾的。Gerhardt was still in a direfully angry and outraged mood.

这就像拳击手大战前要吐出的那口暴戾之气一样。It's spirited stuff, like a boxer mouthing off before a big fight.

一只雄性狒狒露出了尖牙和有力的齿龈,这使它看上去相当的暴戾。With fangs bared and gums blazing, a male gelada looks tough enough.

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可以修身养性,缓解暴戾的情绪,平和你的心态。Second, can be self-cultivation, to ease the violent emotions and calm your mind.

全球有那么多暴戾的专1制1政权都是穆斯林。It is sad that so many totally oppressive regimes around the world happen to be Muslim.

他说话的声音,又粗又大的男高音,增添了他给人的性情暴戾的印象。His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed.

任何人,即使是最善良的人,对待动物,无意中总还保留一种暴戾之气。Every Man, even the best, has within him a thoughtless harshness which he reserves for animals.

我们常说现在社会暴戾之气太重,因此气候也不顺。We often remarked that there are much violence and cruelness in our society, so weather goes bad.

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不嗜酒,不暴戾,而应温良和善,不贪爱钱财。He must not be addicted to wine or quarrelsome, but gentle and peaceful, and not a lover of money.

即使是这样的速度,只要条件正确,暴戾的世界仍能被再次纳入正轨。Even at these speeds, the rogue worlds could be corralled into orbit again, under the right conditions.

两人形成了一个暴戾的组合,欺凌其他敢于梦想好生活的孩子。The two formed an ill- tempered pair that would tease the other children who dared to dream of a better life.

兰芝的倔强、仲卿的孱弱、焦母的暴戾和孤寂三者深深交织在一起。Lanzhi's obstinacy, Zhongqing's weakness and the ruthless and solitude of Jiao's mother are deeply intertwined.

让书香化为生命的馨香,让暴戾凶残化为祥和温柔。May the aroma of books seep into our lives, and thereby changes cruelty and violence into peace and gentleness.

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这里暴戾横行,鱼龙混杂,罪恶盘踞在黑暗的街区,帮派肆虐腐败着整座城市。Here violent rampage, was mixed, evil entrenched in the dark streets, gangs rampant corruption in the whole city.

开朗乐观的脸谱总是舒眉展眼,悲伤或暴戾的脸谱多是曲眉合目。Optimistic opera facials are always smooth, while pessimism ones are always closing their eyes and curving the browns.

紧张,暴戾,细腻,神经质可能是描述他们的最贴切的几个词汇。They are intense, violent, delicate and paranoid on stage and definitely could not be described as shoegazing any more.