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他外出旅行不知所终。He got lost on the outward journey.

振锋转向曹老板入手,但曹老板已不知所终。Back to the boss of cao, but cao boss have go.

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改革实际上有利于希腊的想法早已不知所终。The idea that reform is actually good for Greece has been lost.

世昌不知所终,展良通知巧灵向振锋打听。Sechang go, show good notice spirit inquire of front of vibration.

当然500亿欧元不会由于几封小小的伪造邮件就不知所终。Surely five billion euro will not go missing through the use of a few spoofed emails.

虽然一些部分已被拆毁或不知所终,但是毫无疑问,它是非常值得一游。Though part of it has been taken apart or removed, there is no doubt that it is well worth visiting.

承康问克勤是否已听了简洁的光碟,克勤对光碟的事毫无印象,光碟亦不知所终。ChengKang asked whether g frequently has listened to the compact disc, often have no impression for CD, CD also go.

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他从此断了大学梦,回到了山东老家,后不知所终。Since then he abandon dream of entering university and came home in Shandong. Later I did never heard of him again.

使每一幅画好像抛出一颗不知所终的石头,贴近未知和未及的境界。Making each picture was like throwing a stone without knowing where it would land, how close to the unknowable and unreachable.

生命在飘荡的风中落地,在风起的时候开花,在风散的时候,已然老去,不知所终。Floating in the wind of life in the ground, when the wind from the bloom, when scattered in the wind, already growing old, disappeared.

在这些未知中,最为确定的是,战争的结束会像其开始那样,纷乱糟杂,不知所终,没有泾渭分明的胜负之别。Amid the unknowns, the nearest thing to a certainty was that the war would end as messily as it began, with no clear win for either side.

Buck总是很贪婪,一磅半的马哈鱼干不知所终,它似乎永远都吃不饱,总是忍受饥饿的痛苦。The pound and a half of sundried salmon, which was his ration for each day, seemed to go nowhere. He never had enough, and suffered from perpetual hunger pangs.