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守者配置于海岸沿线。The path lies along the coast.

游行路线沿线挤满了人群。Crowds lined the processional route.

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这是环岛公路沿线的海滨公园。These are some of the seaside parks.

我以单位速度延沿线移动。I'm moving at unit speed along this line.

他们由园林官在沿线领路。They are guided by park rangers along the way.

他告诉我沿线那些井是可用的。He told me which wells were usable along the road.

请点击黄色热点以显示沿线港铁站的脊医诊所。Please click the yellow hotspot to show nearby clinic.

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新的公路抑制了旧道路沿线的商业。The new highway depresses business along the old road.

剪下两条战线,但同样形状的切割线沿线的交流。Cut two fronts the same shape but cutting along the line ac.

西康铁路沿线软质岩带在秦岭以南分布较广。Soft rock area distribute extensive at south area of Mountain Qin.

铁路沿线到处可见新建的工厂和精耕细作的田地。We saw new factories and well-cultivated fields all along the line.

8岁时,他开始尝试在新泽西海岸沿线潜水。At the age of eight, he began snorkeling off the coast of New Jersey.

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曾独自驾车穿越北美铁路沿线拍摄,风光摄影视角广阔。Drave a van alone through north America to shoot by rail, wide views.

人们聚集在铁路沿线像候选总统挥手致意。People gathered along the train route to wave to the President-elect.

那个盗窃犯偷偷溜进了16号公路沿线的很多乡村住宅。The culprit was hitting lots of rural houses up and down High-way 16.

大约有一半的保护地都在西南海岸沿线和海峡海域内。Nearly half the sites are off the south-west coast and in the Channel.

撑持卡扎菲的戎行继续耗炸突尼斯边境沿线的这些地域。Pro-Gadhafi forces continued to shell areas along the Tunisian border.

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我们不应该在铁路沿线放风筝。这可能会引起事故的发生。We should not fly kites along railway lines. It may cause an accident.

那些沿线的导演真的教过你吗?Did you actually get taught by those directors somewhere along the line?

直线电流之沿线方向无辐射。Radiation is zero in direction along the line of a straight line current.