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微笑使颓唐的人得到鼓励。A smile encourages the depressed.

他那时已经觉得很虚弱很颓唐了。He was feeling very weak—and despondent.

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直到现在,我仍在渺茫,仍在颓唐。Until now, I'm still slim, still degenerate.

他颓唐地坐在椅中,耷拉着脑袋。He sat slumped in his chair with his head down.

我说不出这心为什么那样默默地颓唐着。I cannot tell why this heart lsufferinges in silence.

如果你要克服生活的焦虑和颓唐,你可以先学会做自身的主人。If you want to overcome the anxiety and depressed in life, you may learn to be your own master first.

和精明、干练、漂亮的妈妈相比,爸爸显得木呐、窝囊、颓唐。Compare with astute, spell able, beautiful mom photograph, father appears Mu Na, feel vexed, dejected.

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我说不出这心为什么那样默默地颓唐着。是为了它那不曾央求,不曾知道,不曾记得的小小的必要。I cannot tell why this he art languishes in silence. It is for small needs it never asks, or knows or remembers.

他的“趣味主义”以情感为本位,是主体性、创造性与自由性的统一,真与善的统一,这种人生观是梁启超历经人生坎坷而不颓唐的重要的精神力量。Based on sentiment, his doctrine of taste is a unity of subjectivity, creativity and liberty, and the one of the true and the good.

一心只沉溺于对昨天的回忆与眷恋,今天将黯然失色,颓唐寡欢。Only indulged wholeheartedly to yesterday the recollection and the attachment, today will be overshadowed, dispirited widowed happy.

使你颓唐阑珊,像陷在烂泥淖中,满心想挣扎,可是无从着力呢!It makes you so decadent that you would make all efforts to struggle but fail to put forth your strength as if you were stuck in the mud.

当我们笑容满面,闲步于春花怒放的庭园时,我们的心常在此时颓唐下沈。When the face is wreathed in smiles and we trip lightly over meadows bespangled with spring flowers, the heart is often running to waste.

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有时这心力之流如若干涸,或精神如若颓唐时,即是最高手的书画家也会缺乏精神和活泼的。Sometimes when this flow of energy runs dry or one's spirits are low, even the writing of the best calligraphist or writer lacks spirit or vitality.

其结果是目力衰退,一切生机凝滞,普遍颓唐,智力的官能完全像蜕皮一样蜕掉。The result is dulness of sight, a stagnation of the vital circulations , and a general deliquium and sloughing off of all the intellectual faculties.

岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤,热忱抛却,颓唐必至灵魂。忧烦,丧失自信,定使心灵扭曲,意志气如灰。Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul , worry , fear , self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

他坐立不安地要活动,却颓唐使不出劲来,好比杨花在春风里飘荡,而身轻无力,终飞不远。He was restless and eager for action and yet lethargic. He was like willow catkins floating about in the spring breeze, too light and too powerless to fly far.

古民居鳞次栉比,虽历经风雨,渐显颓唐,甚至许多房屋只余下断壁残垣,却仍让游者深感其往日的辉煌。Row upon row ancient residential areas reveal its dejection after storm and many houses left the rubble and debris only, but tourists still can tell its glorious past.

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老头子十分颓唐了,吃得很少,也不走来走去,也不大望海,只坐在人不注目的地方,轻声咳嗽着。The old man was so dejected as to become a small eater. He was reluctant to move too, and seldom did he look out to the sea any longer. Instead he sat at secluded places coughing gently.