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而晚餐时间则是当地人居多,dinner tends to be more locals

我们球队里北方人居多。Most of the players in our team are northerners.

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同素逆序借代词大多数属于并列式结构,以名词居多。They are mostly parataxis and most of them are nouns.

假山用的趸千层石,要求颜色为土黄,青色居多。Qianceng stone rockery, request color is yellow, blue.

桃园县国民小学行政团队冲突型态以「任务冲突」居多。"Team task conflict" is the majority type of conflict.

即便在自由派居多的州参议院,这个法案也以26票对7票获得通过。Even in the more liberal Senate, this bill passed 26-7.

在794例囊肿中,以颌骨囊肿居多。Among 794 cases of cyst, the cysts of jaw are prevalent.

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病人以雾视,发红为主症状求诊的居多。Blurred vision and redness were common presenting signs.

而其中又以偏正式居多。And with partial and in the majority formally among them.

汉代山西的铜器以太原和雁北所出居多。Han bronzes to Taiyuan and Shanxi Yanbei by the majority.

胸壁肿瘤以良性居多,但胸骨肿瘤以恶性为主。Most of chest wall tumors is benign except sternal tumors.

所以就说越剧的观众为什么是女性居多呢?That also explains why Shaoxing opera fans are mostly women.

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此站的任务很简单,分值也以5-10美分左右的任务居多!This task is very simple, score 5-10 cents in majority of task!

木砚研究始于何时,没有定论,但以清代居多。Wood inkstone began to research, but not when, in qing dynasty.

你们80后一代是独生子女居多!For your generation of post-80s, the only child is in the majority.

结果鲍曼不动杆菌检出以痰标本居多。Results The A . baumannii isolates were mostly in sputum specimens.

基督教徒在该国那一地区的人口中居多。Christians preponderate in the population of that part of the country.

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基督教徒在该国的那一地区的人口中居多。Christians preponderate in the population of that part of the country.

第三个修正信号中数字的成份较少,而心理成份居多.The third sign of a correction is less numeric and more psychological.

套圈沟边黑皮是一种常见的表面缺陷,且以单边黑皮居多。The black skin on the groove sides of race is a general surface defect.