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圣战士的玩法?A holy warrior play style?

战士挥动他的枪。The soldier waved his gun.

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黑龙们是战士。Black dragons are warriors.

他是一位可敬的战士。He is a redoubtable fighter.

战士们向国旗敬礼。Soldiers saluted the colors.

支持在越南的战士吧。Support the boys in Vietnam.

我们战士正在打击敌人。Our soldiers are at the enemy.

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平头族的一个战士。A warrior, of the jarhead clan.

边防战士在站岗。The border guards are on guard.

战士们为事业而流血牺牲。The soldiers bled for the cause.

战士们随即回到了罗库村。The warriors returned to Rokrul.

黑夜的战士,集合!Warriers of the Night, Assemble!

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这本书是一位战士写的。The book was witten by a soldier.

这名战士表现很勇敢。The soldier bore himself bravely.

这位战士身体如铁打一般的强健。The soldier was as hard as nails.

柜体战士的梦想成真!Cubicle warrior's dream come true!

抗联战士们都非常喜欢她。These soldiers love her very much.

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一个战士的心灵一定要专心一意!A warrior's mind must be unblurred!

战士们臂挽臂地前进。Arm in arm the soldiers marched on.

他是一个至死不屈的战士。He is a soldier who would die game.