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小米粥不宜太稀薄。Small rice should not be too thin.

这意味着空气稀薄,风力微弱。This means thin air and weak winds.

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也许非洲森林变得稀薄。Maybe the African forests thinned out.

空气稀薄,很难呼吸。The air was thin and harsh to breathe.

液体稀薄,呈灰棕色。The liquid was thin and greyish brown.

——行将就木的恒星孕育出稀薄的球状气云。Dying star spawns rare, round gas cloud.

尽管最近,湄公河流量稀薄。Recently, though, it has been running thinly.

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铁道大部分位在空气稀薄的高海拔。Much of the railway is at altitudes with thin air.

她在稀薄的高山空气中头昏眼花。She was lightheaded from the rarefied mountain air.

这时,丛林变得稀薄了,道路也清晰起来。Here, the jungle has been thinned, the paths cleared.

实际上,谷神星可能有冰层覆盖而且大气稀薄。Indeed, Ceres may have ice caps and a thin atmosphere.

我们应当等晨雾变得稀薄了以后再开车前进。We should wait until the mist thins before driving on.

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她爱的是从她自己身上流进去的他那虚弱稀薄的血液。She had loved his weak watery blood drained from her own.

他们一踩到第一级台阶,就迅速消失在了稀薄的空气之中。They stepped on the first step and vanished into thin air.

如果眼睫毛非常稀薄的话,再涂上一层厚厚的睫毛膏。If your lashes are very light, add a coat of black mascara.

基于水的湿原物的一个更加稀薄,更轻,液体版本。A Thinner, Lighter, Liquid Version Of Water-Based Wet Original.

树林已经变得稀薄,增加了白杨树的再生。The trees had been thinned to increase aspen tree regeneration.

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鸟类生活的区域高山---空气经常是稀薄的。The weather in upland areas where the birds live is often poor.

对燃料的需求导致艾伯丁裂谷地区的森林日渐稀薄。Demand for fuel is thinning forests in the Albertine Rift region.

法木尔说,例如,班头雁能够通过稀薄的空气,飞越珠穆朗玛峰。For instance, bar-headed geese can fly over the thin air above Mt.