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他骂骂咧咧地走了进来。He entered vociferating curses.

杰克常会整天争论不休骂骂咧咧。Jack would argue and eff all day long.

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这位老太婆总是骂骂咧咧地没完没了。The old woman is always scolding and chiding.

他就这么骂骂咧咧地回到他的窝里。And so he went on scolding to his den beneath.

工头总是对工人骂骂咧咧。The foreman is always swearing at the workers.

他酒醉后总是骂骂咧咧亵渎神灵。He always swears and blasphemes when he's drunk.

我这辈子算是离不开这他妈的南方了,”他骂骂咧咧的。"I'll never leave this goddamn South, " he railed.

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当那位警官请这位年轻人出示驾照时他就开始骂骂咧咧了。When the cop asked the young man for his license, he became abusive.

当妻子骂骂咧咧闯到房间来时,这个得了“气管炎”的男人便有些手足无措。The hen-pecked man was on tenterhooks when his wife scolded her way into the room.

当妻子骂骂咧咧闯进房间时,这个得了“妻管严”的男人便有些手足无措。The hen-pecked man was on tenter-hooks when his wife scolded her way into the room.

假如有的人总是骂骂咧咧,满口脏话,那就说明他的嘴“出了问题”。If someone says dirty words all the time, it shows that something is wrong with his mouth.

经后来确认座位无误,男子仍骂骂咧咧,气焰嚣张。Do not have via confirming a seat later by accident, man still be foul-mouthed , arrogance aggressive.

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我看见一个13岁的公立学校的女孩将一名警察的帽子打掉后,还骂骂咧咧的跑掉了。In the state school I watched a 13-year-old girl knock the hat off a policeman and then run off swearing.

他们不管什么人在场总是骂骂咧咧,当老师跟他们谈话的时候,他们却戴着随身听。They swear no matter who is around them, they listen to their Walkmans while the teacher is talking to them.

我坐的那条小船上的指挥官是安德森,可他不仅不指挥水手们好好干活,反而骂骂咧咧得比其他人更厉害。Anderson was in command of my boat, and instead of keeping the crew in order, he grumbled as loud as the worst.

芬兰的科学家门说,那些经常对乘汽车者骂骂咧咧的女司机都有该谴责的父亲。WOMEN drivers who lean on the horn and swear at fellow motorists have their fathers to blame, say Finnish scientists.

车里有四个全副武装的党卫军,其中一个少尉正朝他大喊大叫,骂骂咧咧。Inside were four armed SS men, one of whom – an Untersturmführer, or second lieutenant, was shouting and swearing at him.

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车动不了,司机们便香烟一根接一根地抽,冻得直跺脚,嘴里骂骂咧咧地,抱怨政府咋还不来救救他们。Stranded drivers chain-smoked, stomped their feet against the chill and cursed the government for failing to come to their rescue.

一大群刚刚入学的女孩子,象鸡婆一样聚在一起,骂骂咧咧的指责训练她们的教官没有一点怜香惜玉之情。A crowd of just entered a school girl, like nothing like together, swearing to accuse their instructors training without a little tenderness.

入夜,李君喝醉了酒回到家中,进屋之时骂骂咧咧洋相百出,黎璃闻声而至,还不知道李君已经与丹尼尔分手。Night, Li Jun came home drunk, into the house when the swearing of myself, and li glass in arms to, also dont know Li Jun has already broke up with Daniel.