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他的学习方法是别开生面的。His method of study was characteristic.

这是一场别开生面的“水上入场式”。This is a unique "water entrance ceremony."

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这个建议是新的,而且是别开生面的。This suggestion is new, and out of the common road.

故事以别开生面的儿童音乐节目「一起唱歌吧!」The children s music story to entirely new programme sing!

德国柏林25日举行了一场别开生面的骆驼竞技大赛。Camel racing was held last Sunday in Berlin, capital of Germany.

詹妮尔和比利在上周日为马克斯举办了一场别开生面的生日宴会。Janelle and Billy held a special birthday party for Max on Sunday.

我相信你会觉得这是一次别开生面而且趣味盎然的报告。I know that you will find this an unusual and interesting presentation.

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好友们为小占在长洲举行了一个别开生面的生日会,让小占感动不已。My friends held a special birthday party for me and I feel really warm.

前几天,我读到一篇这方面的文献综述,感到非常别开生面。A few days ago, I read a literature review in this area was very special.

在此基础上,考察了福柯别开生面的权力观。Based on this, the thesis reviews Foucaults inimitable conception of power.

今天上午,在启元美景园组织了一次别开生面的防暴演习活动。We organized the riot exercise in Qiyuan Meijing kindergarten this morning.

在汇佳小学部大厅里我们为他举行了一个别开生面的欢迎仪式。In the big hall of Huijia , we held a very special welcome ceremony for him.

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徐渭的泼墨写意花鸟画,别开生面自成一家。Xu Wei's"freehand ink"painting techniques for the bird, spectacular dreams of.

可以说这部别开生面的作品,一半是穿插图片的回忆录,一半是社会史。Can say this entirely new works with pictures, half memoirs, the half is society.

关良油画中的形、色、线等方面别开生面,匠心独运。The shapes, colors and lines in Guan's oil painting are arranged with originality.

我们的教学别开生面,一定会让你耳目一新、苦尽甘来!Our unique teaching will surely bring you freshness and sweetness upon your sweating!

总而言之,这次服装展别开生面,它太与众不同了,竟取得了巨大的成功。All in all, the showing was different. It was so different that it was a great success.

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话音未落,肯·拉森旋即跳上了中央舞台,这里正在举行一场别开生面的探索太空展。” says Ken Larson, jumping to center stage at the new Exploration Space exhibition here.

如果新婚夫妇喜欢打破传统,那么为自己拟订一份别开生面的讲词吧!If the couple love break with tradition, then draw up an open up a fresh outlook for his speech!

最近,志工为五所难民学校的家长和小朋友策画了一场别开生面的运动会。Recently, volunteers came up with a fun sports day for parents and students from all five schools.