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红潮悄悄褪去。Red tide quietly fade.

躁狂就像那样悄悄向我袭来。Mania creeps up on me like that.

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请不要试图悄悄接近某人。Please, try not to stalk people.

你曾经悄悄梦想过什么?What have you secretly dreamed of?

她压低声音,悄悄说话。She dropped her voice to a whisper.

人悄悄,帘外月胧明。People quietly, out curtain hazy on.

蒙蒙细雨悄悄笼罩了那座小村庄。Drizzle stole over the small village.

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把抓紧芯口恴手、悄悄放送。Grasps Chest's hand to relax quietly.

他建议人们悄悄背过。He advises people to back off quietly.

一天悄悄来到了艾米的病床旁边。One day quietly came to Amys bed side.

她尽快悄悄逃开了。She slipped away as fast as she could.

她在半夜悄悄离开了家。She stole out of the house at midnight.

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悄悄走过去给他来个措手不及。Gumshoe came to him in the past unaware.

我独自沿走廊悄悄走着。I slipped through the hallway by myself.

时间、金钱和耐心都会悄悄溜走。Time, money, and patience all slip away.

我不想让他知道我回来,悄悄溜进了会场。I went to the debate without telling him.

老鼠悄悄走到毒饵跟前。The mouse crept up on the poisonous bait.

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我们真的会让它悄悄溜走吗?Are we really going to let this slip away?

她把我拉到一旁,凑着我耳朵悄悄说话。She drew me aside and whispered in my ear.

一个陌生人悄悄混入了游行队伍。A stranger wormed his way into the paraders.