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你静静地听他倾诉。and you listen to him.

如果向俗人把我们的爱情倾诉。To tell the laity our love.

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全身心地听她倾诉。Devoted to her and listening.

他向我倾诉隐衷。He unburdened his soul to me.

我们向那条河倾诉我们的秘密。We tell river all our secrets.

段段的倾诉低语。Section of sections pour out whisper.

他是我的月亮和午夜,我的儿郎我的倾诉衷肠。My moon, my midnight, my talk, my son.

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向你的密友倾诉你的焦虑。Share your anxieties with a confidant.

他在我面前倾诉苦衷。He poured out his complaints before me.

她在我面前倾诉苦衷。She poured out her complaints before me.

通常,所有的倾诉这所需要的是支持。Usually, all the ventor wants is support.

我们听到他倾诉他的苦衷。We listened to him pour out his troubles.

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这种倾诉是必要的,也是有好处的。Confiding is necessary and good to people.

她常向我倾诉自己的感情。She often poured forth her feelings to me.

她把她的烦恼向母亲倾诉。She unloaded her troubles onto her mother.

且让我们先来听听这些朋友的倾诉吧。Now, let us listen to these their confiding.

在他们需要倾诉的时候做一个好的倾听者。Be a good listener if he or she needs to talk.

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只向你的经理倾诉你的不满。Share your unhappiness with your manager only.

她向好朋友倾诉忧愁。She poured out her worries to her best friend.

朱丽叶只是为了倾诉衷肠,以身相许,再一次把它赠送给你。JULIET But to be frank, and give it thee again.