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你有没有余力去做更多的事情?Do you have reserve power to do more?

我觉得你是心有余力而力不足。I'm just not sure you're feeling up to it.

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第五、学有余力之时,丰富自己的课余生活。Fifth, , learn to spare time, enrich my life.

这个7.2英尺的中锋正准备发挥自己的余力。The 7-foot-2 center is preparing himself for the grind.

余力为是知名导演贾樟柯的御用摄影师。Yu is the regular cinematographer of leading director Jia Zhang-ke.

格林夫妇不予余力地操办女儿的婚事。The Green's spared no efforts on their daughter's wedding reception.

这次台风是台湾五十年来最大的天灾,请各界朋友心有余力请帮助台湾!请协助我们!It's the most serious disaster for over 50 years. Please kindly help us!

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以你的残年余力,连山上的一根草都动不了,更何况大山?You're so old and weak that you can't even take away the grass and trees.

因为它已没有多少余力,可用来应付外在威胁了。This is because there will be little energy left to fight any external threat.

列向量的诸元素为诸赘余力,可求解方程来得到。The elements of the vector are the redundants which can be obtained by solving.

可是自己往常早以不克不及主宰本身地命运,只能任它摆布,毫无对抗地余力。But now I had not control his own destiny, can let it without mercy, rebel force.

全片对电影技法的运用流畅自如,余力为娴熟的摄影功底功不可没。The film is a pretty smooth technical package with crisp cinematography from Yu Lik Wai.

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无论如何,公司必须不予余力地去解决办公室恋情带来的问题。By any means, the company must spare extra efforts to solve problems brought by an office dating.

提出了一种改进的残余力向量法用于工程结构损伤识别。An improved method for structural damage identification based on residual force vector is presented.

其余力竭埃及人在解放广场上周日,1月30日,草天的抗议后。Exhausted Egyptians rest on the grass in Liberation Square on Sunday, Jan. 30, after days of protests.

一想到死亡,我们就会惊恐万分,不予余力、不惜一切代价去保全生命。We are shocked when we think of death , and we spare no pains , no trouble , and no expense to preserve life.

他们没有可以称为谈资的东西,因为他们的胃里总是空空如也,他们的灵魂没有余力去思考。They have nothing worthy to be called conversation, because emptiness of belly leaves no speculation in their souls.

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根据多余力处的变形协调条件列出并求解力法平衡方程得到徐变多余力。According to conformability of deformation, creep-redundant forces can be attained by resolving equilibrium equations.

但是如果连私事都无法掌控得好,又哪有余力去顾及公事?Yet, if one cannot even keep one's personal affairs in order, what energy could one have to take care of public affairs?

“余力田”一般是在“常限”田之外和在“佃田”总数之内的田地。"Spare fields" is generally in the "regular limit" fields outside and in the "Tsukuda" within the total number of fields.