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幸福家庭不会唾手可得,尤其是在当今世风日下的社会。Making happy homes is not easy, especially in a corrupt society.

“不会有那么多唾手可得的胜利果实了”,吴女士表示。“There is not so much low-hanging fruit any more, ” adds Ms. Wu.

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但今天,我的情况紧急,我只有几分钟,所以匆匆抓出唾手可得的几样商品就马上上路。I only had a few minutes to grab some groceries on my way to work.

轵成功无法保证,并非唾手可得。成功必须靠自己去争取。Success is not guaranteed. It is not handed to you. Success is earned.

他们认为责在网上歌曲交换服务,它们使得在网上音乐唾手可得。They blame song-swapping services for making music easy to get online.

但是这样的数据在该地区的各国并非唾手可得。But such data has not been forthcoming from the countries of the region.

对每个人而言,这一巨大转折使全世界的资源变得唾手可得。This dramatic shift puts the resources of the world at everyone’s fingertips.

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贱价出售的商品已司空见惯且唾手可得,即使是本身价值连城的东西也是。The lowest price for any good worth pricing is now available to anyone, anywhere.

狱火之门已经就绪,最终胜利唾手可得。The infernal gate has been prepared, while the time of our final victory is at hand.

所以今晚,让我们为怀念狂欢,去盼望那唾手可得的时光。So tonight let us revel in our nostalgia, and long for thedays when longing was easy.

我的白领朋友们,一些在你看来唾手可得的东西,我付出了巨大的努力。My white-collar friends, a few things that look hands-down in you, I gave massive effort.

类似于这些唾手可得的美食,最好在睡前半小时以前享用。Quick edibles such as these should be consumed at least half an hour before hitting the sack.

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自可可变得唾手可得后,人们开始试验寻找新的使用方法。As cacao became more commonly available, people began experimenting with new ways of using it.

那个时刻,乔凡尼记起了曾经唾手可得的钱财——意味着唾手可得的毒品。In that moment, Giovanni remembered the easy money from before, and how that meant easy drugs.

回头看看迪拜创造金融奇迹的过程—你会觉得这一切不费吹灰之力,就像别人增你的礼物般唾手可得。If you can turn around and look at wonderful progress Dubai made -- it's a bit like a gift horse.

当他们到达那里,将会有很多年轻人欢快地迎接他们,就好像胜利已经唾手可得那样。As they entered Bayda, they were met by young men cheering and chanting, as if victory were at hand.

为什么一次一次放弃了别人梦寐以求的机会而对永创来说却是唾手可得的机遇呢?!Why given up opportunity to other people is the readily available dream for Novel Trading Limited ?!

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而该国一位负责野生动植物保护工作的官员则表示,军营内的食物唾手可得也是诱使这些马来熊频繁光顾的主要原因之一。A wildlife official said the animals were also tempted by the easy availability of food at the camps.

世界繁华炫目,世代超频刷新,唾手可得滋养新的欲望。The flourishing world attracts people with ceaseless progress. Easy availability nurtures new desires.

广告中所宣扬的幸福观,其致命的缺陷就在于它宣称,一切幸福幸福街唾手可得,不费吹灰之力。The mortal flaw in the advertised version of happiness is in the fact that it purports to be effortless.