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修路工程使当地居民叫苦连天。The road works caused much complaint among local neighbors.

修路工程使当地居民叫苦连天。The road-works caused much complaint among local neighbours.

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我们不应该因为穷而叫苦连天---许多人的家境更糟。We shouldn't complain about being poor ---many families are much worse off.

必须承认,虽然登山让我叫苦连天,但真的很庆幸有到黄山去。I must admit, although climbing the mountains was hell, I am really glad I came here.

再看看我们,平时遇到一点小困难,我们都叫苦连天。Again has a look us, usually meets slightly is difficult, we all complain incessantly.

个位数的通胀率已让人人叫苦连天,但是,相比津巴布韦可谓小巫见大巫。Single-digit inflation rate had people who suffer, however, is nothing compared to Zimbabwe.

我是说,这只鞋就好像是在挥手欢迎碎裂的头骨,或是叫苦连天,半严重的脑震荡。I mean the shoe is an open invitation to a cracked skull and semi-serious concussion for crying out loud.

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然而,令人惊奇的是,当稻米价格上涨,泰国很多从事稻米业的人却叫苦连天。Yet it is striking how many people in the rice business in Thailand are complaining as the price of rice soars.

喷鼻港楼价高企,普罗群众的收入怎也追不上,而成为“楼蚁”、“房奴”,真实叫苦连天。" Nasal spray port property prices high, the income from how can never overtake, and become a "floor ant", "mortgage slave", true suffer badly.

我从来没想过爷爷过的那种日子如果换成是我该如何面对,哪怕只是一点点小事我也肯定要叫苦连天。I've never had the kind of life my grandfather, if I replace the how to deal with, even if only a little bit small and I am sure to suffer badly.

这,还很有可能因此而伤害了同志之间的情感、彼此的信任度,所以说同志之间总是在叫苦连天完全是你们这些人造成的。This also is likely to be hurt feelings between comrades, trust each other, so that is always between comrades in suffering is caused by these people.

游戏玩乐的且不说,我身边的最清醒最闷蛋最勤劳的朋友、同事也一样叫苦连天,而且不断尝试登上MSN。No to mention cutting off from internet game, even my most hardworking and boring friends, they were complaining and had been trying to log in their MSN.

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但有人即使偶尔失眠,也是叫苦连天,情绪一落千丈,严重影响工作与学习。But somebody although now and then insomnia, also be reaching the sky of complain of suffering, mood suffer a disastrous decline, affect the job and study badly.

母亲不见则已见了叫苦连天,她说自己宁可不要孩子也不愿有头驴,并且还想把他扔进河里让鱼吃掉。When the mother saw it she wept and wailed. She would sooner have no child at all than a donkey, and she said that they should throw it into the water and let the fish eat it.

此前,上海曾推出了对差价部分征收营业税的做法,引得投资者叫苦连天,而这条最新的“国字头”新政显然又要比上海严厉得多。Earlier, Shanghai has launched to spread the practice of levying business taxes attract investors to suffer, and this latest "State prefix" group is also much more severe than Shanghai.

女主因为挑剔又苛刻的行事作风弄得属下们叫苦连天,但是男主哥哥经常来拜访,所以众人又很高兴有这么个上司可以近水楼台看明星。Tying for critical and demanding style make minions screaming, but male master elder brother often comes to visit, and they are happy to have such a boss can be a good look at the star.

除路线外,湿热的天气亦令跑手叫苦连天,加上陡斜而毫无特色的赛道,赛事著实令跑坛中人失望。Apart from the route, the weather can be horribly hot and humid for marathon running, and when combined with a hilly and uninteresting course the race becomes something of a let down for everyone.

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秋芹住进老人院后,一心想安静地生活度过馀生,但其家人却因各自原因打扰了秋芹的静养,秋芹叫苦连天。Autumn after qin to live in old peoples home, I spent a quiet life, the rest of his life but his family because their reason to disturb the fall of qin quiet, in the fall of qin complained bitterly.