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自助者,天助矣。Self-help, the day help Yi.

那里有自助的咖啡机。There is self-help coffee maker.

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最近的自助洗衣店在哪里?Where is the nearest Laundromat?

好啊,我吃腻了自助食堂。Sure. I'm bored of the Cafeteria.

自助晚餐于星城赌场。Dinner at Star City Casina Buffet.

自助美黑还在让你浮想联翩?Do self tanners keep you guessing?

大陆航空开始在休斯顿乔治布什洲际机场的登机门试验自助登机服务系统。First self-service check-in kiosks.

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爱自助爱大口饕餮!Love self-service love big feeling!

在自助餐馆,我们自己备餐。In the cafeteria we serve ourselves.

凭信用卡自助加油。Self-Serve Debit And Credit Card Only.

我们甚至有投币式的自助洗衣店。We even have a coin-operated Laundromat.

你知道这附近的自助洗衣店在哪吗?Do you know where the Laundromat nearby is?

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此外,我还跟许多关于自助的书籍展开神交。I also talked to a lot of self-help authors.

自助洗衣店?对不起,我实在不知道。The laundromat ?Sorry , I really don't know.

心理自助运动带来了什么?What do we have in the self-health movement?

赵女士持银行卡到银行自助柜员机前准备取钱。Miss Zhao went to the ATM with her bank card.

自助者天助!I believe God helps those who help themselves.

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有人建议我们开一家郊区自助食堂。It was suggested that we open a suburban automat.

它一部分是自助手册,一部分是心理学教科书。It is part self-help manual, part psychology text.

我们可以下次再去云南啊,我们是自助的。We can go to Yunnan next time. We are independent.