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你们都得到臂章和警笛了。You got your armbands and whistles.

旅游团的劣谟将在胳膊上佩戴红色臂章。The tour leader will be wearing a red armband.

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从用途来说,有胸标、臂章、吊牌、拉攀等。They can be used as chest badges. Shoulder labels.

每支曲棍球队都必须有一位场上队长,队长必须带有臂章。Each hockey team must have a captain on the field who must wear an armband.

许多病人佩戴GSP臂章,便于工作人员监控他们的位置。Many patients also wear GSP armbands that help the staff monitor their locations.

除了配戴臂章外,违纪的警员将被另一名警员监视一整天。Besides wearing the armbands , the officers will be watched by another officer for a day.

可根据不同国家加工相对应的臂章和帽徽。Manufacture corresponding armlet and insignia onthe cap according to different countries.

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无论费迪南德能否戴上队长臂章,他都希望新赛季尽快来临。Whether he dons the armband or not, Rio Ferdinand can't wait to get the new season underway.

但是普约尔表现出象征巴萨团队理念的姿态,把臂章递给了阿比达尔。But in a gesture symbolizing Barcelona's team ethic, Puyol handed the armband over to Eric Abidal.

外出取消。臂章什么时候缝上的,中士李普?Dirt in the rear side aperture. Pass revoked. When did you sew on these chevrons, Sergeant Lipton?

所有赛事监管人员都必须佩带徽章或臂章,可以完全自由进出限制外人出入的区域。All must wear distinctive badges or armbands and must have complete freedom of access to restricted areas.

很快我们就注意到很多年轻人戴着臂章,得知他们就是红卫兵。Soon, we noticed that many of the young people were wearing armbands and we were told they were the Red Guards.

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她回忆说,就在自己准备伸手展示时,跟随左右的中方护卫人员赶紧将臂章扯了下来。Chinese guards who were running alongside her ripped the band off her arm as soon she tried to display it, she says.

他眼前又闪现出自己草绿色军装上的“三道头”臂章,内心还油然升起一种特有的略带点不安的自豪感。For a moment he saw again the three chevrons he had worn on his dress olive-drabs and felt a characteristic uneasy pride.

此外,在沐浴中不应使用漂浮装置包括吊环和臂章以确保你宝宝的安全。Additionally, flotation devices including rings and armbands should not be used in the bath to ensure the safety of your baby.

一群在Zamalek区内的尼罗河岛上抗议者把床单撕裂做成臂章,并说是士兵教他们这样做的。One group on the Nile island of Zamalek was ripping up sheets to make armbands that they said soldiers had instructed them to wear.

受试者携带一种臂章,其可以测定总活度、体温、体位以及其他关于休息和运动的指标。The participants wore armbands that measured total activity, body temperature, body position, and other indicators of rest and activity.

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举例来说︰如果警察对民众太凶了、或停车时不熄火,就得配戴凯蒂猫的臂章。For example, officers will have to wear the armbands if they are too mean to people or if they don't turn off their car when they park it.

全副武装的年轻人佩戴绿色臂章表达对卡扎菲的支持,他们在城里的许多街道内设立检查站点,要求停车并逐个搜查。Armed young men with green armbands to show their support for Gadhafi set up checkpoints on many streets, stopping cars and searching them.

陆军少校彼特戈德弗兰戴着一个臂章,臂章上印着一位2004年在伊拉克牺牲的年轻警官的名字。Army Major Peter Godfrin wears a bracelet bearing the name of a young sergeant he served with who was killed by a landmine in Iraq in 2004.