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他们当面嘲笑他。They laughed in his face.

敢当面质问,才是真爱。True love dares to confront.

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他们当面夸奖他。They praised him to his face.

当面对证,真相自明。Face and face truth comes out.

她当面斥责他扯谎。She threw the lie in his face.

当面对证,真相自明。Face to face the truth comes out.

当面朝北坐时,从右到左排。When facing north, right to left.

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收礼时不能当面打开礼物。Gifts are not opened when received.

当面扎刀的是真朋友。True friends stab you in the front.

书是我当面交给他的。I handed the book to him personally.

真朋侪才会当面中伤定位。A true friend stabs you in the front.

经理吉姆·利兰德则当面与邦兹对质。Manager Jim Leyland confronted Bonds.

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当面的责备,强如背地的爱情。Open rebuke is better than secret love.

当面直言,不要背地嘀咕。Say it to his face, not behind his back.

首3天当面膜停留过夜。For first 3 days leave overnight as mask.

她总不会当面对他这样讲吧?At least she wouldn't say this to his face.

我选择了跟压迫者当面较量!I chose to meet my oppressors face to face!

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让他当面认一下,他不共戴天的仇人唐伯虎。I want him to identify him enemy Tong Pak Fu.

犯人被传来与原告当面对质。The prisoner was confronted with his accusers.

这小小的三个字,你是否羞于当面启齿?Too shy to say those three little words in person?