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刀柄是我自己做的。I made the knife handle by myself.

巴纳比玩这个游戏乔伊斯的刀柄。Barnaby Joyce played this game to the hilt.

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刀柄的铜钉具有显著的游牧风格。The copper nail on grip has nomadism style.

我把它完整的利用在刀柄上了。I is on the haft the exploitation of its integrity.

在一把剑的刀柄上的一个装饰的缨子。Blade and handle are the component parts of a knife.

这件和田青玉饰品貌似是个刀柄吧?Is this Tian Qing jade decoration similar as Dao handle?

此刀柄连同一老刀鞘还有一刀刃我一起是200元收进的。I bought it with an old scabbard and a blade by 200 Yuan.

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刀柄和引入轴必带一个穿过钻孔的中心点。Tool shanks and draw-in must have a central through bore.

然后关闭刀片并合上刀柄上的保险装置。Close the blade and engage the safety on top of the handle.

在巴克,我们相信对于每一把刀,都有一个最适合它的刀柄。At Buck, we believe there's a perfect handle for every knife.

它通过刀柄里一个有张力的金属衬垫锁定打开的刀片。It locks open using a tensioned metal liner inside the handle.

最后的时候,刀身磨没了,只剩下刀柄。At last, the dagger body was sharpened away. Only the holder left.

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所述刀柄位在刀体的主刀口区的正上方。The handle is arranged over the main knife-edge area of the knife body.

刀与刀柄的比例-刀与刀柄成比例吗?Blade-to- handle ratio. Does the blade look proportional to the handle ?

在第一年,也就是1903年,吉列总共卖出了51把刀柄和168块刀片。In its first year, 1903, Gillette sold a total of 51 razors and 168 blades.

在换头技术中,刀柄拉紧机构占有不可忽视的地位。In technology of swap, the mechanism of tool holder tension very important.

只不过锁定装置是刀柄上一个有张力的打开部分。Only the lock is a tensioned part of the handle frame with an open channel.

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刀头的刀柄和刀头分开使用铜焊焊接,容易更换刀头。Blades and segments are welded by braze, which facilitate change of segment.

对日用刀来说,G10、密卡塔或炭素纤维都能作很好的刀柄。For a utility type knife, G10, micarta and carbon fiber all make great handles.

为保证把刀磨得锋利,请握紧刀柄,刀身朝下用大拇指按住。Please hold knife well with hold down it by thumb to keep knife fast condition.