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我脸红了。I blushed.

她脸红了。She blushed.

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她羞愧得脸红。She blushed with shame.

她因羞愧而脸红。She blushed with shame.

他脸红似火。He flushed red as flame.

结果我才是脸红的那个人。I'm the one who blushes.

她脸红耳赤。She flushed to the ears.

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他是个说谎不带脸红的人。He was born to be a lier.

她脸红得像一朵牡丹花。She blushed like a peony.

初次见面脸红的感觉消褪了么?Love’s first blush fading?

傻瓜——她脸红了!The stupid–she's blushing!

脸红一直红到眉梢。A flush mounts to the brow.

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我为自己的过错感到脸红。I blushed at my own faults.

脸红是美德的颜色。Blushing is virtue s colour.

她因羞惭而脸红。Her face flushed with shame.

他的脸红得像一朵牡丹花。A blush came into his cheeks.

他的脸红得像一朵牡丹花。He blushed as red as a peony.

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他为自己的错误感到脸红。He blushed at his own faults.

我脸红了,也吻了他。I blushed and kissed him back.

她的脸红得像一朵牡丹花。She blushed as red as a peony.