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咱们正在迅速机械化。We are mechanizing rapidly.

农业的根本出路在于机械化。The key to agriculture is mechanization.

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牧业在新西兰是高度机械化的。Farming in New Zealand is highly mechanized.

有此需要机械化操作。There exists a need to mechanize this operation.

这并非是显然的成功,因为它不能完全对运算机械化。They could mechanize the horse, put it on tracks.

机械化数年前在艾莱的农场实现了。Mechanization happened years ago on the farms of Islay.

数年前,艾莱的农场就实现了机械化。Mechanization happened years ago on the farms of Islay.

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机械化木薯削皮及粉碎技术。Mechanized scale root peeling and grating technologies.

我的工作很多是不必要的、机械化的、愚蠢的。A lot of my work was unnecessary, automated, and stupid.

我们正在加快农业机械化的步伐。We are speeding up the mechanization of our agriculture.

当前的主要任务之农业机械化。C. One of our main tasks now is to mechanize agriculture.

未来一切将完全实现电气化和机械化。In the futureit will be fully electrified and mechanised.

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机械化,以防止删除和关闭的记录器。Mechanize to prevent deletion and shut down of the logger.

“你说得对,”机器人用他那机械化的小嗓门说道。"That is correct, " it said in its mechanized little voice.

农业生产使用的工具,多指非机械化的。Agricultural production tools, and more that non-mechanized.

机械化为农业的技术工种开辟了道路。Mechanization opens the way for skilled jobs in agriculture.

路基土石方施工采用机械化作业。Subgrade's earthwork construction is carried out by machine.

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在这个农业国几乎没有机械化。There appears to be little mechanisation in this rural area.

农业的根本出路在于机械化。The fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization.

在中国和印度,农场规模小都对机械化有抑制作用。Both in China and India, small farm sizes inhibit mechanization.