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我们是一家子。We are all family.

看看脚踏车上的那一家子!Look at that family on a moped!

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你们一家子都跟着飞上了枝头啦!You a sons all followed to fly up brain!

真教人难过,这么可爱的一家子。This is so awful, they were such a sweet family.

我七岁的儿子突然蹦出一句,“我想那是猫头鹰一家子。”my seven-year-old blurts, "I think it's an owl family."

我七岁的儿子突然蹦出一句,“我想那是猫头鹰一家子。”" my seven-year-old blurts, "I think it's an owl family.

我那七岁的孩子嚷嚷了起来,“我觉得那是一家子猫头鹰在叫!”" my seven-year-old blurts. "I think it was an owl family.

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酒就是歌,歌就是酒,酒和歌本是一家子。Wine is a song, the song is the wine, and the wine is a song.

一家子到了演出现场,迅速地在座位上坐好。The family arrived at the show and was in their seats in good time.

我觉得我现在的收入没法供一家子人吃穿。And I really don't think my salary is going to be able to support us.

她转身带着微笑,带着她的一家子走进候诊室。She turned and, with a smile, guided her brood into the waiting room.

另一个朋友则给了他一些现金,这样他才能带着一家子飞出土耳其。Another friend gave him cash to put his family on a flight out of Turkey.

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这是富足、友爱又不失活泼的一家子,加里的生活过得有滋有味。Exuberant, affectionate, vivacious—to his family, Gary was larger than life.

东西倒是一样没少,就是有一家子鸟飞进来扎了窝。Nothing was stolen, but now a family of birds is living somewhere in my house.

我从没见过长鼻浣熊,很幸运的在博物馆看到一家子。I have never seen a coati before and luckily saw a family of them in the museum.

崔先生的公司专门聘请一家咨询公司,专门培训这一家子如何适应类似的文化差异。Richard’s company hired a consulting firm to prepare them for the cultural shift.

他们那一家子都是极其自高自大的不折不扣的傻瓜!The whole of that family are the most solemnly conceited and consummate blockheads!

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我养着一家子的丽鱼科鱼,其实这是一种只能长到一定程度的淡水鱼。I have a family of cichlids, fresh water fishes that can actually grow to an extent.

处女和双鱼的月食一家子玩完了,9年之内不会回来。That family of eclipses in Virgo and Pisces is over and not due back for nine years.

这一家子是靠乞讨买票,从罗马尼亚坐车来到意大利的。The family came from Romania by bus, after begging for money to pay for their tickets.