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参加比赛并赢得胜利。Go in and win.

它能赢得尊重。It earns respect.

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你是赢得者。You are the winer.

你将赢得尊敬。Youll win respect.

但是我赢得了这场比赛。But I won the race.

阿丝翠得赢得了比赛!Astrid takes the game!

那就能赢得我们的战役。It is to win our wars.

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赢得的便去,何如?The winner goes—agreed?

她说,赢得了两个乖孩子。Two good kids, she said.

杰克赢得了奖品。Jack bore away the prize.

她轻叹一声,就赢得了他的芳心。She took him with a sigh.

他赢得400米赛跑冠军。He won the 400-metre race.

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我在这里赢得了一次冠军赛。I won a championship here.

她赢得了全部奖品。She potted all the prizes.

你赢得了我们的早晨特奖!You won the morning prize.

他在兑奖售物活动中赢得了一辆汽车。He won a car in the raffle.

我们的队会赢得这场比赛。Our team will win the game.

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唐冠中赢得比赛。TangGuanZhong win the game.

都不愿作为整队的一分子赢得比赛?。Than win as part of a team?

她的表演赢得一片喝彩声。Her performance drew cheers.