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这个消息不胫而走。The news spread like wildfire.

这消息在公司中不胫而走。The news swept through the firm.

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众口相传,消息不胫而走。The news was passed on by word of mouth.

消息会不胫而走,特别是八卦新闻。News travels fast, especially juicy news.

有关皇室婚礼的消息不胫而走。News is flying about concerning a royal wedding.

万氏兄弟拍摄动画影片的消息,不胫而走。Wan brothers film animation news spread like wildfire.

但“比伯很有才能”的说法在其他的艺人之间不胫而走。But among other artists, word of Bieber's talent quickly spread.

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事的消息不胫而走,远远地传出了赖斯维尔镇以外。Meanwhile, news of what she has done has spread far beyond Riceville.

于是,关于李湘生病的说法不胫而走。Thereupon, the view which falls ill about the LiHunan disappears without a trace.

这就让之前讨论过的一些划定规矩上的禁止自愿退出的漏洞不胫而走。That gets around previously discussed loopholes to proposed rules to block opt-outs.

不想二人要结婚的消息不胫而走,豿仔队甚至出动了直升机在洛佩兹家上空盯梢。The news that it was their wedding got out and paparazzi helicopters circled the house.

这就让之前讨论过的一些规则上的压制志愿加入的漏洞不胫而走。That gets around previously discussed loopholes to proposed rules to neighborhood opt-outs.

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这想法不胫而走,传到该队党支部书记于春贵耳朵里。This idea spread like wildfire, the team reached the branch secretary in the spring of your ears.

人们有可能提早接种疫苗的消息不胫而走后,上周开始就不断有有关甲流疫苗的振奋人心的新闻见诸报端。The possibility of early shots follows encouraging news from last week about the swine flu vaccine.

龙三得知后派人掘了黄老先生的墓地,不想滴血狻猊不胫而走。Dragon after three that send someone dug huang-lao sir graveyard, don , doa't want to drop SuanNi mouth.

可怕的是,丫环送饭进去,却发现昏迷四年不醒的二妈不胫而走!Terrible is, the maid sent food in a coma for four years, but found not to wake up two mom spread like wildfire!

印度南部一个小村庄不过百来户人家,但几乎每家都出了一名小偷,"贼村"之名不胫而走。More than 100 representatives from families in a village in southern India vowed together in a temple not to steal anymore.

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今年5月,这幅照片被摄后不久,他将淫秽的照片和信息发送给网上结识的妇女一事不胫而走。Soon after this photo was taken in May, it became known that he had sent lewd photos and messages to women he had met online.

外公指责咪咪怎能让外人知道公司的机密,消息不胫而走,彼德主动承认错误。Grandpa accused Mimi how can let outsiders know the companys confidential, news spread, Peter took the initiative to admit his mistake.

由于单先生检测氡气质量严重超标的事不胫而走,使得许多居住在该栋大楼的人们产生恐惶。As Mr. Shan quality testing radon serious way things spread like wildfire, making many people living in the buildings have consternation.