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他们有短粗的尾巴和长而尖利的犬齿。They have short, stubby tails and long, sharp fangs.

猫的牙齿分为门齿、犬齿和臼齿。Incisor teeth into the cat and canine and the molars.

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在它的上颚有一对大的犬齿。It has a pair of large canine teeth in its upper jaw.

猪,雄性有巨大弯麯的犬齿。Indonesian wild pig with enormous curved canine teeth.

大而尖利的犬齿是食肉动物的特征。Especially large, sharp canine characterizes the carnivorous animals.

人们通常认为吸血鬼的上犬齿比常人要长。Those who were vampires were thought to have longer than usual eye teeth.

肉食动物的特征是大而尖的犬齿。The carnivorous animals are characterized especially by large, sharp canine teeth.

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肝裂可能是弯曲的,呈波浪形甚至犬齿交错状。The hepatic fissures may be curved like the waves or even the canine teeth overlapping.

婆罗洲云豹的大小与小型美洲狮相当,其犬齿长度相对于体型来说居猫科动物之首。The size of a panther it has the longest canine teeth relative to body size of any cat.

这种新的云豹的犬齿比同样大小的其它猫科动物的犬齿都长。The new species of clouded leopard has the longest canine teeth for its size of any cat.

所有不合正规的剪式咬合的咬合,缺少一个门齿或一个犬齿。All deviation in relation to the normal scissor bite. Absence of one incisor or one canine.

—与黑猩猩锋利的牙齿相比,“阿蒂”的犬齿更像人类的短平的牙齿。Ardi's upper canine teeth are more similar to stubby human teeth than sharp chimpanzee teeth

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这些器件或化学成分被用来减少或防止牙垢的犬齿积累。The devices or compositions are used to reduce or prevent tartar accumulations on dog teeth.

要是我们从这个角度看,我们能看到这个切口,这里就是巨大犬齿咬进这块骨头的地方。If we look at it from this angle, we can see this cut where this large canine would have gone through this bone.

雄性和雌性海象都长獠牙——不过是一生都在生长的犬齿。Both male and female walruses grow tusks, which are simply canine teeth that continue to grow throughout their lives.

无论是雄海象还是雌海象,它们长着长象牙,但只有犬齿在它们一生中能持续增长。Both male and female walruses grow tusks, which are simply canine teeth that continue to grow throughout their lives.

值得注意的是,阿迪猿科的男性和女性的门齿和犬齿都非常细小,其在现代猿类中已经变大。Remarkably, both male and female Ardipithecus had very small incisors and canines, which are enlarged in modern apes.

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在这类手术中,松顿女士是史上第一位让上犬齿取出、模塑并植入的人。Ms Thornton is the first person ever to have her "eye tooth" taken out, reshaped and inserted in this type of surgery.

懒熊也有相对较大的犬齿,这些牙齿看上去格斗功能强于觅食功能。Sloth bears also have relatively large canine teeth which appear to be more functional for fighting than for foraging.

他说他的兄弟有一只擦伤的眼睛,掉了一颗上面的犬齿和在他的耳朵背面有香烟烧伤的印记。He said his brother had a bruised eye, is missing an upper canine tooth and has cigarette-burn marks on the backs of his ears.