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它会给你完整的好新闻。It comes full of good news.

这才是完整的人。And then you've got a person.

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这完整是不讲理。This is totally unreasonable.

恢复数据文件的完整副本。Restore a good copy of datafile

这二件刈耙完整。These two harrows are complete.

一个完整的“关-开-关”周期。For a complete off-on-off cycle.

在卓耿的背上她才感到完整。On Drogon's back she felt whole.

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甚至将会有一个完整的赛欧啤酒。There will be so full sail beer.

奶奶的,怎么不播放完整视频?WTF why is the not a full video?

一度,你们的DNA是完整无缺的。At one time, your DNA was intact.

这些易碎的箱子完整无损地运到了。The fragile boxes arrived intact.

必须使用完整名称。The name must be fully-qualified.

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我们有一个完整的销售网。We have a complete sales network.

右下方注有大运完整LOGO。A large complete bottom note LOGO.

具有完整的立方八面体晶体,高强度和热稳定性。It's a cubic crystal inside of it!

这是一个完整的计时赛项目。This is a full time trial project.

完整档案达4800页之多。The full file is 4, 800 pages long.

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我们希望有一个完整的浪漫的亲吻。We want a full-on romantic smacker.

如果答题卡姓名没有填写完整怎么办?What if I did not complete my name?

选项1,完整的微电阻表。Option 1, integrated micro-ohmmeter.