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我已学会用柔音使自已的吐字圆润委婉。I learned to use a soft voice to oil my words.

她们的英语讲得如此吐字清晰而且没有口音,这让我很吃惊。I'm amazed at how clear and unaccented their English is.

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为什么小孩子四岁了吐字还是很不清晰?Why dot 4 years old is saying a word still very unsharpness?

演说时不要急,吐字清晰。也就是不要太快也不要太慢。Speak slowly and clearly, i. e. neither too fast nor too slow.

看着她艰难吐字,拼命回忆,我简直难以置信。Watching her struggle with her words and her memory, I couldn't believe it.

例如在流行音乐中,歌手们从来不管是否吐字清楚。In popular music, for example, singers rarely take care to pronounce words clearly.

他的戏剧基本功不错,喷口有力、吐字清晰。He has pretty good basic opera skills, he articulates forcefully and pronounces clearly.

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吐字清晰,行腔简朴,酣畅流利,鼓点简朴自然,铿锵有力。You Xueyao sang clearly, simply and fluently, with the drum beating naturally and strongly.

演员的吐字、韵腔,全凭自己的嗓音来定,这更加形成了它的独特的风格。Articulation actor, Yun cavity, depends on its own set of voice, which created a more unique style.

无论你是在家人或者朋友面前练习,还是对着镜子练习,都要保持自信,吐字清晰。Whether you practice in front of your family or friends or in front of the mirror, stay confident and speak clearly.

那个男孩艰难地、费了很大力气说出话来,然而他吐字有力,使人惊惧。It was with the greatest difficulty that the boy gathered the strength to speak, but spoke with a frightful emphasis.

歌唱语言有气息的运用和控制、声音共鸣以及吐字、咬字等方面的讲究。Singing language is particular about studying for breath's control and use, sound vibration, enunciation and the like.

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那个男孩艰难地、费了很大力气说出话来,然而他吐字有力,使人惊惧。It was with the greatest difficulty that the boy gathered the strength to speak, but spoke with a frightening emphasis.

在佩珀堡的训练下,这两只鹦鹉说起英语来吐字清晰,即使是爱挑剔的演说专家也会被它们逗乐。Under Peperberg's tutelage, the parrots have learned to speak English so clearly they'd delight even a fussy speech expert.

我打电话到她寝室,紧张得吐字不清,甚至把她名字的前后音节都说反了。When I telephoned her dormitory and asked nervously for her, I transposed the syllables of her first and last names into ludicrous garble.

吐字清晰是一切声乐艺术必不可少的基本要求,它同其他声乐演唱技巧相辅相成,密不可分。Clear articulation is essential to every kind of art of vocal music and closely related with the singing skills of other kinds of vocal music.

我国民族唱法中的歌唱语言是依据我国鲜明的民族语言特点来吐字行腔的。The singing language in China's national singing follows china's national language's distinct characteristics to articulate words and render tunes.

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对声乐理论在呼吸、咬字吐字、腔体打开、稳定喉头、歌曲演唱等方面的研究与探讨,将有益于解决教学、理解与实践中的具体问题。This paper studies and analyzes the application of the vocal music theory to the class teaching in such fields like respiration, articulation, etc.

足足两个多星期,母亲咯咯地笑著,抱著雅各布,她能对我的父亲、她的孩子们、孙子们完整地吐字了。For two more weeks, mother clucked, smiled and held Jacob. For tow weeks she spoke to my father, her children and grandchildren in complete sentences.

其次,本文将分别论述声乐演唱中“咬字”与“吐字”的正确方法和注意事项,为声乐演唱者做一些好的启发。Secondly, the paper will be discussed in singing "pronunciation" and "namely" the right approach and attention, Singing for those who do some good inspiration.