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这家公司淘汰庸才。The company abhors mediocrity.

你最后会成为富有的庸才。You'll wind up a rich mediocrity.

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“足够好了”,这就是你从一个庸才那能听到的最好的话。"Good enough" is the best you will ever get from Mediocre Man.

但庸才们总是能做的“足够好”,以至于刚好不会被解雇。But Mediocre Man is always just "good enough" to remain employed.

不论在足球,还是其他方面,保护主义只能培养庸才。In football, as elsewhere, protectionism merely coddles the mediocre.

最棒的点子总会胜出,除非你身边的都是些庸才。The best ideas have to win, otherwise you don’t have good people who stay.

第三种选择是得过且过,裁掉几个庸才,容忍其他的。The third option is to muddle through, shedding a few duds and tolerating the rest.

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只有懒汉庸才才会留恋那大锅饭的年代。Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together.

里卡多.卡瓦略。在双方大量的庸才之中的一度闪亮的光辉。Ricardo Carvalho. A shining light in the midst of an awful lot of mediocrity on both sides.

按理说,他这样的庸才,正该发迹才是,可是不知为什么,只是不得意。Yet he failed somehow, in spite of mediocrity which ought to have insured any man a success.

按理说,他这样的庸才正该发迹才是,可不知怎麽就是不得志。Yet he failed somehow, in spite of a mediocrity which ought to have insured any man a success.

一个人全面发展当然好,但可能越全面发展越是个庸才。A comprehensive development of man, but of course the all-round development of the last may rat.

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一个人全面发展当然好,但可能越全面发展越是个庸才。Full development is of course a good one, but the more likely the more comprehensive development of a mediocrity.

般黑军服的这个肥头胖脑、汪汪狂叫的庸才,他所感到的主要是给谨慎小心冲淡了的轻蔑。For the barking fat-faced mediocrity in the stagy black uniform he feels chiefly to be attempted, modified by caution.

后天思维学习方式培养出来的是庸才,先天思维学习方式培养出来的是天才。While learning through post-natal thinking turns out mediocrities, learning through innate thinking turns out geniuses.

这好过指望现今这一批官僚的庸才仅靠运气稀里糊涂地把事情做好。This is much better than hoping the present collection of bureaucratic mediocrities will somehow get it right, by dumb luck.

自古能成功成名者无不靠理想和抱负,有有哪个庸才能靠人事关系而千古垂名。To all who rely on famous ancient ideals and aspirations, which have to rely on human relations and mediocre ages with the name.

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他努力想要制作一部自己的电影,但尚未成功,他说主要是因为他不想求那些商业庸才们帮忙。His efforts to produce his own movies have been unsuccessful, mainly, he said, because he refuses to appeal to commercial mediocrity.

头屑主要是由于头皮缺水。发庸才会变成头屑,主要选补水的洗发水,去屑的对头皮都不好。Mainly due to dry scalp dandruff. Dandruff hair mediocrity becomes the main election replenishment of shampoo, dandruff of the scalp is not good.

专栏带您到欧洲「庸才的炼狱」——英国牛津大学一探堂奥之美。而「汉学家系列」介绍为中国民俗守护最力的龙彼得。The Famous Universities series takes you to Oxford, hothouse of England's intellectual elite, and our series on Sinologists introduces Piet van der Loon, a champion of Chinese folk customs.