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你们是来参观南通博物苑的吗?Are you here to visit Nantong Museum?

因为一座伟大的博物馆取决于伟大的博物管理员工。Because a great museum depends on a great curatorial staff.

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我发现这殷墟博物苑里的好东西太多了。I find there are so many interesting things in the Museum of Yin Ruins.

因为一座伟大的博物馆取决于伟大的博物管理员工。Murck said. “Because a great museum depends on a great curatorial staff.

天津艺术博物馆以珍藏砚台著称于博物界。Tianjin Art Museum is famous for its collection of ink-stones in the field.

以质性研究的角度来深入探究「博物志联篇歌曲」。This is a qualitative study attempting to further explore the "Histoires Naturelles."

纬书中保存了大量的关于地理博物的记载,许多这样的记载可视为地理博物小说。Some passages recording geographical and natural knowledge of Wei Book could be regarded as short story.

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1826年,他在博物学社宣读了一篇有关海船蛀虫的文章,这是该领域中他第一篇为人所知的作品。In 1826 he read a paper on sea-worms to the Natural History Society. This paper was his first known work on this subject.

上海科技馆自然博物分馆位于该地块的西部,基地总面积为12,000平米。The nature science branch of Shanghai Science &Technology Museum is located in the west of the area and occupies 12,000m2.

介绍了使用VRML网络语言搭建虚拟殷墟博物苑的实现方法和应用技术。The realization methods and application techniques were introduced to build a virtual Yin Ruin's museum with VRML language.

为中国湖笔博物为馆研制的仿古系列笔,深受国内外学者、专家的好评。For China Lake T naturalist for the museum developed Archaize Series pens, deeply domestic and foreign scholars and experts.

约翰.亨斯洛建议查尔斯.达尔文以博物学者的身份,自费乘坐英国舰船贝格尔号出去考察。John Henslow suggested that Charles Darwin take the unpaid position of naturalist for a trip on the British ship H.M.S. Beagle.

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由一群科学家组成的B612基金会就致力于确保人类的命运不会以在未来的博物馆内陈列我们的骨骼而告终。The B612 Foundation is a collection of scientists dedicated to making sure we don't end up with our bones in some future museum.

这个博物带给人们一种非洲生活方式的体验,现在它已经对公众开放了,坐落在香港路,靠近路边。The Museum for An Experience of African Lifestyle, which is now in open to the public, is Located on Xianggang Road near the Bund.

这个工厂坐落在在台湾郁郁葱葱的乡间,十几年前就已经关闭,但是大约二年前又作为一个博物公园展览厅重新开放了。Set in the lush Taiwanese countryside, the plant closed over a decade ago, but reopened as a museum-park-gallery about two years ago.

直到1905年,中国自办的第一所完整的近代博物馆——南通博物苑的诞生,才开始了中国博物馆事业的新篇章。Until 1905, our country managed itself the first integrity modern museum-Nantong Museum. Only then the new chapter of Chinese museum enterprise started.

如今麦田覆盖了这片遗址,但博物学者和考古学家阿尔弗雷德•赫尼奇•考克斯一丝不苟的记录遗留了下来。他在1921年对自己的发现进行了报道。It is now covered by a wheat field, but meticulous records were left by Alfred Heneage Cocks, a naturalist and archaeologist, who reported his findings in 1921.

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南通博物苑的建立,在中国博物馆史上开风气之先,对中国博物馆的发展作出了卓越的贡献。The establishment of Nantong Museum opened "advanced general mood" in the history of Chinese museum, which made remarkable contribution to the Chinese museum development.

伴随着对外视域的扩大,小人国成了外域博物传说惯常话题。With the extension of vision beyond the homeland, Lilliput came to be a frequent and conventional subject with regard to legends of material abundance in some exotic land.

白皮书表示,新疆文物古迹遗址十分丰富,而且,国家十分重视对新疆文物古迹的保护和修缮,文物保护立法、考古调查发掘、文物维修保护、博物陈列等都取得重要进展。Xinjiang is very rich in historical sites. And the state has always attached great importance to the conservation and renovation of historical sites in Xinjiang, the paper said.