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他们走了整整一天。They tramped all day.

他整整睡了一天。He napped the day away.

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她整整睡了一天。She slept round the day.

她睡了——睡了整整一下午。She did -- all afternoon.

大风怒号了整整一夜。The wind roared all night.

他吃了整整一听炖肉。He ate a whole tin of stew.

难道那也要用整整一个小时吗?That took you a whole hour?

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现在我已经整整增大了一个罩杯。I have added a full cup size.

丹赢了整整一千元。Dan won a cool thousand dollars.

我已经练了整整一周。I've been practicing for a week.

去寻早我们整整的幸福吧!Search early we whole happiness!

昨天整整一天我都是这种感觉。And how I felt all day yesterday.

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这活我已经辛辛苦苦地干了整整一天。I've fagged at this work all day.

她那天整整哭了一夜。She wept the night away that day.

还整整搞了三个多小时呢。And for more than three hours too.

他打字时漏了整整一行。He dropped a whole line in typing.

那可是我整整花了三个小时才烧出来的!I've spent three hours cooking it!

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但是对于女人,却是整整一本书。But to a g1rl, 1t's the whole book.

整整一夜,我心中辗转不安。Thru the night my heart was aching.

搬开一支铅笔得整整一晚。To move a pen would take all night.