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我们的宣传册和定单也很少。And we have very few brochures and order forms.

加拿大的定单从25个系统增加到38个系统。Orders for Canada increase from 25 to 38 systems.

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你方第667号定单所订货物将于七月初装运。Your Order No. 667 will be shipped early in July.

尽管如此,早有一长串定单等着呢。Despite this there is already a long waiting list.

核对货品定单及收货与发票是否一致。Checks invoices against goods ordered and received.

收到定单后,我们将马上交货。We'll make delivery at once if I receive your order.

绣花线是按定单存放的吗?Is embroidery thread inventoried and issued by order?

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采购填写退货单,进行定单退货。Return filled out procurement orders, orders to return.

丝网印的材料是按定单存放的吗?Are screen print materials inventoried and issued by order?

这份加密产品定单将在2010年夏天交付。The ordered crypto products will be delivered by summer 2010.

迈克尔·萨莱米说,他还有大约100份定单的产品正在制造中。Michael Salemi says he has about 100 more orders in the works.

支付贵方100号定单之信誉证,本公司尚未收到。The credit to cover your order No. 100 has not yet reached us.

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支付贵方100号定单之信用证,本一自己一自己自己搞尚未收到。The credit to cover your order No. 100 have not yet reached us.

每年毕业生2000余人,并为企业提供定单式培训和教育。This centre also provides order-oriented training for enterprises.

以下照片均为原作拍摄,均可下定单。Follow photos are taken from original work, could be set order too.

一旦文件准备就绪,就可以编写定单状态模板了。Once that file is in place, you can write an order status template.

准备发票,出货单,下定单和有关文件等。Prepare packing list, delivery orders, invoices & related document.

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后者是任一斯堪的纳维亚定期航线的最大定单。The latter is the largest order placed by any Scandinavian airline.

针对特殊定单产品的库存问题,介绍了决策树法。For the special order products stock, the decision tree was introduced.

承接机关团体企事业单位会议礼品定单。We also accept conference gift orders for organization and enterprises.