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船只横七竖八地挤在一起,几乎没有多少移动的空间。The clutter of ships had little room to manoeuvre.

我们横七竖八地和一排行李呆在一起。We are all rather cross, and have rows about luggage.

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数百名死去的士兵横七竖八地躺在那里。Hundreds of deceased soldiers lay in a state of disarray.

它们没有脑袋,许多只脚横七竖八地伸出来。They had no heads but had legs sticking out at odd angles.

花园里的一簇大丽花旁,烧过的衣服横七竖八地躺着。Burned clothes lay in the garden, next to a plot of yellow dahlias.

那里,200多棵龙眼树横七竖八地倒在果园中。There, more than 200 trees fell into disorder longan trees in the orchard.

细鳞大马哈鱼和鲑鱼的残骸横七竖八的摊在铺满潮汐莎草的岸边。Pink and chum salmon carcasses lie tangled in linguine strands of tidal sedge.

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片末的场景中,整个地球似乎变成了一座坟墓,到处散落横七竖八的尸首。At the end, it was as if the entire earth was a cemetery littered with corpses.

宽阔的停车场里,横七竖八地停满了各种轿车、自行车、残疾人助力车。Wide garage, full of cars parked higgledy-piggledy manner, cycling, disabled Zhuliju.

丑恶,就象月光把西部城镇横七竖八的街道美化了一样。Humour softened a swindle as moonlight beautified the shapeless streets of the Western town.

倒下的树和电缆横七竖八置于路面上延缓了搜救人员的搜救行动。Downed trees and power lines tossed across roadways also slowed search-and-rescue crews' efforts.

横七竖八的街道,并没有把这一片房屋切成大小过于参差不齐的碎块。The capricious ravine of streets did not cut this block of houses into too disproportionate slices.

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所以你们完全没有必要横七竖八,伸手伸脚地睡成一滩。It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other, stretched out to the fullest extent possible.

七尺阔、十二尺深的工房楼下,横七竖八地躺满了十六七个被骂做“猪猡”的人。Sixteen or seventeen "sows" lie packed like sardines in the lower loft of this house, seven feet by twelve.

奎诺斯的守军看着绿雾渐渐退去,草原上留下无数横七竖八散布着的巨魔尸体,不由地齐声欢呼起来。The defenders of Qeynos cheered as the mist receded, leaving the bodies of the ogres strewn across the grassland.

汽车、卡车、列车以及大型的船只,要么横七竖八地堆积在岸边,要么漂浮在混沌的浊水中,像残缺的澡盆玩具。Cars, trucks, trains and large ships lie swept into piles ashore or float in murky water like misshapen bath toys.

约克是旅游城市,路边有不少精品店和小店,密密麻麻地分布在横七竖八的大街小巷里,让人眼花缭乱。York is a tourist city, street, many boutiques and shops, densely distributed in the streets of disorder, the dazzling.

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岸边,一堆光鞋板儿横七竖八,草丛里,一团团小裤褂揉成皱花儿。Shore, a bunch of children noodle plate light shoes, grass, small balls wrinkled pants coat bunched up into the flowers.

几条倾覆的渔船横七竖八地躺卧在这里,满地都是蚌壳。这片如今干枯的盆地,就是她曾经的“家”。The ground is littered with overturned boats and dead mussel and clam shells, which once called this now-dry basin home.

牧草枯竭、牛羊大量死亡,成千上万的动物尸体横七竖八的躺在路边。Pasture is depleted and cattle and goats are dying in large numbers, leaving thousands of animal carcasses littering the roadsides.