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我来这儿学艺啊。I'm learning a trade here.

他的父亲使他向木匠拜师学艺。His father apprenticed him to a carpenter.

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他跟银匠师傅拜师学艺。He was apprenticed to a master silversmith.

因此高中三年积极担任学艺。Therefore actively served as high school three years.

一个人离开了家,到陈家沟拜师学艺。One is away from home, to Chenjiagou study with a teacher.

一年轻人为了为民除害,决定上山拜师学艺,誓要斩妖除魔。A young man decided to learn magic arts and kill the devil.

过去通常的做法是让有培养前途的男孩拜师学徒,让其随师学艺多年。It used to be usual to bind out promising boys for many years.

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——于是乎,他索性给把英语扔到一边,弃文学武,到“地球人都知道”武功最高的“孤独九剑”那里拜师学艺去也。He went to learn it from world famous Master Lonely Nine Swords.

被培训的手艺人因学艺为师付工作数年的合同。Contract by which a trainee craftsman work for a master for some.

在家主动学艺、看课外书、说英语。Learn more skills, read more books and speak English initiatively.

为了学本领,他不怕艰苦,到处拜师学艺。In order to learn the skills, he is not afraid of hard, full of art.

当初先帝答应你去吴越之地学艺,我是反对的。When your father allowed you to pursue the arts, I was against the idea.

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你想有个找老师面对面学艺、手把手教习并登台演出的机会吗?Do you want to be taught face to face and have a chance to show on the stage?

第二部主要是中国元素,新娘和中国的武术神人“白眉”学艺。The second major elements in China. The bride goes with Chinese martial arts BaiMeiman.

师范生拜师学艺是实践教学改革的产物。It is the product of teaching practice reform for normal school students to learn skills from master teachers.

思翰请田凯帮助选择艺厨学校,田凯倡议他找一位名师直接学艺。Think John TianKai help, please select art hutch school, TianKai initiative he find a teacher. Directly here! !

有,不过他们没有达成共识。我父亲要我学电脑,我母亲则要我学艺术。Yes, but they can't agree on anything. My father wants me to study computers, and my mother wants me to study art.

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出来后,他又开始苦练牌技,其父见他有这方面的天赋,就带他去当地一个擅长牌技的老千那里拜师学艺。Later, he began training game, his father saw him have a gift for it, took him to a local at the game. There to learn.

尤其是这位艺术家的艺术履历,展览记录,和学艺背景是购买艺术品前需要重点考虑的。The artist's history, exhibition record and training are some of the most important factors to consider before making a purchase.

特维斯从老板那里学艺不错,他讥讽切尔西依然无法走出在失利的阴影。Twiss there scholarship is good from boss, he ridicules Chelsea to be still unable to go out in the unfavorable situation shadow.