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您有什么所见所闻吗,在过去五年里?do you see that has happened in the last five years?

作为一个非伪球迷,我想谈谈自己的所见所闻!As a non-pseudo-fan, I would like to talk about what they see!

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我告诉他们我都迫不及待地想告诉埃斯特尔姨妈我这一路的所见所闻。I told them I couldn't wait to tell Aunt Estelle about my journey.

奈赞尼?莫顿描述了他和朝圣者在1620年的所见所闻。Nathaniel Morton describes what he and other Pilgrims saw in 1620.

在中国的所见所闻给她们留下了深刻的印相。What we get easystn or Listend in China do deep impression on you.

我的这位朋友才华横溢,天生擅长描述自己的所见所闻所感。My friend is brilliant and by nature a describer of things felt and seen.

沃伊中尉摸索回到连队所在地段,汇报所见所闻。Wray made his way back to the company area to report on what he had seen.

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他说,瑞士商人亨利·杜南为他的所见所闻感到非常恐惧。He says a Swiss businessman named Henri Dunant was horrified by what he saw.

后来的两个月里,我走走停停,观察形形色色的人,也和他们攀谈,回来记录下所见所闻。I spent the next two months walking around, observing, talking to people, and writing.

科林斯,现今23岁,支持该研究结果,“我基本上都心情愉悦,”他说,“而且根据我平日里的所见所闻,高个子的人一般性情温和,更容易相处。Collins, now 23, supports the study's results. "I'm generally in a good mood, " he says.

在这为期一周的访问期间,我的所见所闻印证了中国在非洲发展过程中的积极行动。What I saw on the week-long trip demonstrated how actively involved China is with Africa.

若想生活得平静安稳,对于所见所闻就不要妄加评论。He that would live in peace and ease, must not speak all the knows, nor judge all he sees.

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永远是一个乐于分享自己所见所闻的人,Kanye正在为他最新的镶在镜中的随想寻找一个表现机会。Forever an over-sharer, Kanye was looking for an outlet for his latest mirror-born musings.

琶洲展馆的气势、交易会上的情景和所见所闻现在还深深留在我的记忆中。I was deeply impressed by the splendid Pazhou Complex and the things that I see on the fair.

注意看作者是怎样将剧本中关于所见所闻的文字转化为图像的。Pay close attention to how the writer conveys in words what you saw and heard on the screen.

这本书用日记的形式记录了安利柯所见所闻的感人故事。The book records the touching story of Amway Ke what one sees and hears in the form of diary.

早晨起来,士兵对晚上的所见所闻只字不提,他还想多看几次的奇遇,接连个夜晚和个夜晚他又去了。The next morning the soldier said nothing, for he wanted to see the amazing thing once again.

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它们叽叽咕咕地窃窃私语着,我要告诉你我今日的所见所闻,还有我将见到的那些你所看过的旧景旧物。And while they crow and whisper, I'll tell you what I see today, and what I would that you saw.

这是我第一次去那个超市,在市场里的所见所闻给我留下了深刻的印象。It was my first time to go to the market, and I was deeply impressed by what I saw in the market.

这只是在下基于四十多年所见所闻的一点愚见,呵呵。Just my two cents' worth based on forty years' wandering around observing with eyes and ears open.