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我们最快尽快停车投宿。We'd better stop and rest soon.

夜晚投宿在一个老农家里。Stay the night at a farmer's House.

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你最近曾投宿过我们饭店吗?Have you stayed at our hotel recently?

我们在一间农舍投宿了一夜。We put up for the night at a farmhouse.

旅游者每晚在汽车旅馆投宿。The travelers lodged in motels every night.

你知道在哪里我能找个投宿的地方吗?Do you know anywhere I can put up for the night?

这是我要投宿的旅馆地址。Here is the address of the hotel I'm staying at.

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我强烈建议不要在这里投宿。I'd highly advise against staying at this location.

我们在机场附近的一家三星级旅馆登记投宿。We registered at a three star hotel near the airport.

于是他的思绪慢慢地回到了刚才一路投宿的情景上。And then his mind slowly back to just a road at scenarios.

便问令狐冲有没有钱要和令狐冲投宿客栈。Then ask linghu chong have money to stay linghu chong inn.

月光湾湖营地的树林中,加拿大安大略省渔业投宿。Moonlite Bay Camp Lake of the Woods, Ontario Canada Fishing Lodge.

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一天,他去法国度假的途中,在一个小旅馆投宿。One day on the journey to French for holiday, he stayed at a hotel.

暴风雪更大了,我们今晚得在这个小村中投宿了。The storm heightens, we have to put up at this village for the night.

这时,酒吧间里挤满了昨晚前来投宿的客人。The bar-room was now full of the boarders who had been dropping in the night previous.

然而你如到土楼——福裕楼旅游投宿,这种感觉就会被“宾至如归”这句成语所替代。However, if you go to the earth buildings, Fuyu Tower, to lodge, you will feel at home.

班机飞行时间还蛮久的,不过一到达我们投宿的五星级饭店,我一整天的心情都飞扬了起来。The flight was long, but my day brightened up as soon as we got to our five-star hotel.

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我们以为投宿的客人都已来到,村里家家都已闭户了。We thought that the last guest had arrived for the night and the doors in the village were all shut.

后来去贝德福得的路上我们投宿在一个途中旅店,为不带早餐的铺位支付了最现代的费用。Bedford where we pay thoroughly modern prices for bed and no breakfast in a middle-of-the-road hotel.

玩得很开心,那时有一晚投宿在私人小旅馆里,主人大婶很亲切,我还想再去一次。I played much and then one night stay in a private small inn, the owner was kind, I would like to go again.