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向下滚动。Scroll down.

她向下看了看。Then she looked down.

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小数向下取整。Fractions are rounded down.

掌心向下压入地板。Press palms into the floor.

他们向下一个城镇进军。They march on the next town.

沿街道向下步行的女人。Women walking down the street.

条条河水向下流入大海。All rivers run down to the sea.

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向下看一片空阔的景色尽收眼底。A wide prospect opened below us.

她头向下跳进游泳池里。She dived into the swimming-pool.

毛边应该向下折叠进去。The rough edges should lap under.

我们的草地向下倾斜到河边。Our lawn slopes down to the river.

向下拔出固定板。Pull out retainer plate downwards.

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准确,物体向下加速。Exactly-- this object is goingdown.

用大拇指和食指捏住耳垂温柔的向下拉,轻轻的向外呼气,重复6次。Breathe out gently. Repeat six times.

s层也是这样,自旋向上,自旋向下。Likewise with 2s, spin-up, spin-down.

我军向下一个城镇推进。Our troops advanced on the next town.

高桅帆船沿着塞纳河向下航行。Tall ship sails down the Seine River.

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攀登者从高处向下俯瞰。The climbers gazed down from on high.

他向下凝视着这具尸体。He peered underneath at the body below.

根系向下生长深入土里。The roots grew down firmly in the soil.