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钩,线以及其他注意事项。Hooks, wires, and other hazards.

月经期要注意那些事项!Menses should notice those item!

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一五其他经证期会规定应记载事项。Other items required by the sfc.

当地社区自行决定优先事项Local Communities Decide Priorities

治疗腰痛的注意事项。Cautions in the treatment of Lumbago.

请在重要事项的下面划线。Please underline the important items.

“全部的事情是一个有案可查的事项,”我厌烦地说。The whole thing's a matter of record.

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你们会受到多少通知或者注意事项?And well, how much notice would you have?

在每个格子里填写相应的事项。Ineach cell, put the corresponding story.

我知道这些事项对你们来说很重要。I know these matters are important to you.

了解月底及年底关账需懂事项。Month End and Year End Processing matters.

答案取决于一些考虑事项。The answer depends on some considerations.

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今天首先说几点注意事项。A few announcements at the beginning today.

旋转翼飞行器有关的所有事项。All matters relating to rotary wing aircraft.

提出了使用毛细管柱时应注意的事项。Attentions to using the column are also noted.

但是首先了解一些关于安全性的注意事项。First of all, though, a few notes on security.

综理总务处工作事项。Manage the scheme for General Affairs Division.

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使用简单的待办事项清单设定日程。Set daily milestones using a simple to-do list.

控制性传播感染仍是世卫组织的优先重点事项。The control of STIs remains a priority for WHO.

登革热是你们议程上的一个紧迫事项。Dengue is on your agenda as a matter of urgency.