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他头重脚轻,口干舌燥。His head was pounding, and his mouth was dry.

她走路时头重脚轻,个子大约矮了5英寸。She was very top-heavy and about 5 inches shorter.

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毫无疑问,她是头重脚轻。我喜欢她的车队在第一峰。No doubt she is top heavy. I like her outfit in the first pic.

块茎长在地下,根本不用担心头重脚轻的问题。There are no structural worries with tubers, which grow underground.

一套更广泛的政策可以更快地帮助解决这种头重脚轻的局面。A broader set of policies could help to work off the hangover faster.

西装夹克没有收口和褶皱的搭配,实在太庄重而且看起来头重脚轻的感觉。The suit jacket is simply too imposing and will look top-heavy without the pleat or the cuff.

由于在顶部额外加装了一排加农炮,船底压舱的重量又不够,这艘船头重脚轻。The ship was top-heavy, with an extra row of cannons tacked on above and a lack of ballast below.

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刚开始没觉得那么辣,可几分钟后,我就感到头重脚轻,有点晕乎乎的。The initial taste isn't that hot but now, a couple of minutes later, I feel a bit floaty and light-headed.

要装在赤土陶器里,以保证土壤之间良好的空气流通,同时帮助这种头重脚轻的植物保持平衡。Keep it potted in terra-cotta for good air movement through the soil and to help balance the top-heavy plant.

这艘船头重脚轻,这可能是由于添加了一层甲板,也可能是因为转载了太多沉重的枪支和400多名船员和士兵。The ship was top-heavy due to rebuilds adding a deck, or was overladen with heavy guns and more than 400 crew and soldiers.

他的双腿由于蹲坐在凳子上太久而抽搐,他感觉头重脚轻没掉进河里算是幸运。His legs were cramped from squatting on that stool, and he felt so light-headed that he was lucky not to fall into the river.

这套丐帮的成名武功难度很大,周奔驰练得头重脚轻、几欲晕倒。That set of famous martial arts was extremely difficult to learn. Zhou practiced so hard that he felt dizzy and nearly fainted.

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他头部的隐隐剧痛以麦迪文接触过的那一点为中心不断扩散,现在他已经感到头重脚轻,脑袋发昏。The pain in his head spread from the point where Medivh had touched him, and now his forehead felt heavy and his thoughts muzzy.

无论是处方药还是非处方药的感冒药,服药后都会使你感觉自己像是宇航员那样头重脚轻,所以你最好待在家里。Whether it's a prescription medication or just over-the-counter cold meds that makes you feel like a space cadet, it's best to stay home.

因此在企业技术创新运作中出现“头重脚轻,上热下冷,专兼脱节,引进先进工艺技术,更新先进设备”的问题。Therefore the phenomenon occurs in technological innovation. "focus on head not foot, introduce advanced technology and advanced equipment."

就是告诫我们不要做那嘴尖皮厚腹中空的山间竹笋和头重脚轻根底浅的墙上芦苇。Is telling us not to do that sharp-tongued thick-skinned belly of an empty mountain bamboo shoots and top-heavy wall of bedrock shallow reed.

湖人队在本周四与西奥-拉特里夫和巴恩斯签了约,在以一支头重脚轻的阵容赢得上赛季总冠军之后加强了队伍的板凳实力。The Lakers signed veterans Theo Ratliff and Barnes on Thursday, beefing up their bench after winning last season's title with a top-heavy roster.

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而且在降落的过程中,飞碟还能充当降落伞来保证平稳落地,而挂在下面的控制箱能够避免头重脚轻。The disc also behaves as a parachute during descent, ensuring a gentle landing, while the low-hanging control pod keeps it from being too top-heavy.

记得那是冬天的一天下午放学回家时,天正下着大雨,我上楼梯的时候,总觉得头重脚轻,一到家,便倒在床上。Remember it was a winter day when I came home from school in the afternoon, it was the heavy rain, when I was on the stairs, always feel top-heavy, got home, then pour on the bed.

相对而言,国有银行太大,新兴银行太小,缺少大小适度的中等银行过渡,致使整个行业呈现出头重脚轻、两级分化的市场结构特征。The lack of the medium-sized banks to transit from the overlarge state-run banks to too small-sized new banks resulted in the top-heaviness and polarization of the bank market structure.