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请看我们的洛杉矶通讯员彼得波尔斯。Watching was our LA correspondent Peter Bowes.

铁虎将通讯员老胡牺牲的消息告诉众人。Iron Iliad correspondent khufu sacrifice of the news to all.

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华盛顿声称,它是通过本-拉登的通讯员发现了其行踪。Washington claims it found bin Laden by following one of his couriers.

我们在东京的通讯员是C.H…在日本的平淡生活应该结束了吧?Our correspondent in Tokyo is C. H. So has normal life in Japan been suspended?

墨客通讯员Sabine,Jaime和Ryan正在米兰设计周为您报道。MoCo correspondents Sabine, Jaime and Ryan are now all in Milan for Design Week.

主编最后接受了这位通讯员一篇措辞温和的快讯。The editor eventually accepted a toned-down version of the correspondent's dispatch.

通讯员认为,攻陷布雷加对反卡扎菲武装来说是一次重大突破。Correspondents say the fall of Brega would be a major breakthrough for anti-Gaddafi forces.

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1934年,沃思开始担任美联社的通讯员,同时还是。Worth worked for AP as a dispatch rider in 1934, also working as a free-lance photographer.

天空新闻北英格兰通讯员格勒德·塔布报道说达尔文夫人最近移居海外。Sky's North of England correspondent Gerard Tubb has found that Mrs Darwin moved abroad recently.

“日本实际上关闭了车站并在这个寒冷的夜里派出了所有的通讯员,”他说。“Japan Railway actually closed down the stations and sent out all commuters into the cold night,” he said.

通讯员以要闻的形式报道了这则中国城市打工者的贫穷和居住条件的新闻。Correspondents say the story highlights the poor pay and living conditions of many migrant workers in China.

不过通讯员依旧用无线电重复着,“哥伦比亚号,这里是休斯顿,超高频通讯检查,”以为他仍能收到回复。But, repeatedly, the communicator radioed, "Columbia, Houston, UHF comm check," as if he might still hear a reply.

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说明基层通讯员完全可以从身边工作中发现新闻线索,练就熟练的新闻工作技能。It showed that correspondents ar the basic level can find out news clues from daily work and develop their skills.

我们的通讯员阿里姆·马克波尔前往枪击现场,他从那里向罗宾·鲁斯廷报道最新情况。Our correspondent Aleem Maqbool went to the scene of the shooting, and from there, he told Robin Lustig the latest.

BBC一名通讯员称,国际原子能机构可能在确保安全方面发挥更大的作用。A BBC correspondent says the nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, is likely to be given a bigger role in guaranteeing safety.

华盛顿将尝试把对阿政策和对巴政策制定成一个连贯的整体。我们的通讯员说。Washington will also try to draw Afghanistan policy and Pakistan policy into a coherent whole, our correspondent says.

刘春雷意外结识通讯员吴立然的妹妹吴朵,两人产生感情。Liu Chunlei gets acquainted with reporter Wu Li accidentally like that little sister Wu Duo, two people produce feeling.

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在土耳其边境处的一名BBC通讯员称,两个官方难民营现在已经人满为患,现在正在建造第三个。A BBC correspondent at the Turkish border says two official refugee camps are now overflowing and a third is being built.

通讯员称平壤最新的评论似乎是在寻求再次加深朝鲜半岛紧张的局势。Correspondents said Pyongyang's latest remarks appeared to seek once again to ratchet up tensions on the Korean peninsula.

第一个无线电通信“通讯员”出现于20世纪20年代,随后各无线电通讯站于30年代成立了他们的新闻机构。The first radio "reporters" appeared in the 1920s and then the networks established their news organizations in the 1930s.