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还有一小段行程在波西尼亚的“塞尔共和国”境内,路上要花九个小时。It takes nine hours.

行程从这里开始。The journey starts here.

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行程中大众运输信息?。En-Route Transit Information?

每个轴行程的滚珠丝杆。Each axis travels on ball screw.

这是我们最后一天的行程。It was our last day of the trip.

行程的第四天去了威海。The fourth day we went to Weihai.

不得签转,不得更改行程。Not signed to change the itinerary.

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现在,是时候提前计划你的行程了。Now it’s time to preplan your trip.

整段行程总计达三个月之久。The trip takes three months in total.

该行程呢,总费用是2800元。This trip?And total cost is 2800 yuan.

女按摩师行程的第一段是乘火车的。And it's against my oath as a masseuse.

祈祷和喂草不误行程。Prayers and provender hinder no journey.

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最后一段行程是骑驴。The final leg of the trip was by donkey.

明天还有排的满满一天的行程。Tomorrow there are rows of full-day trip.

你希望现在进行自动行程标定吗?Do you wish to run Auto Travel Calib now ?

我们估计行程距离为100英里。We approximated the distance at 100 miles.

关于SJ的新闻与行程,请到这里来了解。About SJ's news and tour, go here to learn.

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轴,立式磨床行程,直线。Y-axis, vertical grinding stroke, straight.

我们旅行的最后一段行程最累人。From Bombay we made a long leg to Singapore.

赫鲁晓夫参观行程开始了。The traveling Khrushchev roadshow had begun.