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塞拉利昂是一个男男女女都诚实的国家。Sierra Leone is a land of honest men and women.

虽然天气很热,可是还有满大街的男男女女。Girls and boys were walking though the weather is so hot.

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惟有基督的临格才会使男男女女饱享受乐。The presence of Christ alone can make men and women happy.

男男女女翩翩起舞,孩子们站在门边观看。The children are watching the adults dancing at a side door.

许多男男女女都曾经被绞死在那支桩上。Many men and women had hung by the neck from that wooden arm.

在太平盛世里我也见过很多一贫如洗的男男女女,在苦海中挣扎。I met many women and men with very little in the best of times.

多少年轻的男男女女,在透过树荫的阳光下跳舞。To many a youth and many a maid, dancing in the chequer'd shade.

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那天晚上,海面上满是男男女女的白色鬼魂。That night the waters seemed full of white ghosts of men and women.

今天,工厂里的男男女女们证明这些嘲笑者错了。Today, the men and women in this plant are proving these cynics wrong.

男男女女们每天花费大量的金钱在这个减肥中心。Men and woman pay several hundred dollars a day at these health centers.

我很敬佩那些过去的现在的忠烈忠贞的男男女女们。I admire those of the past now Valiant Ones loyalty to the men and women.

我已经将这些简单的步骤传授给了来自于全世界的男男女女。I have taught these simple processes to men and women all over the world.

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无数种面霜与化学药品保证男男女女都能拥有晶莹光润的肌肤。Countless creams and chemicals promise clear, glowing skin for men and women.

我们身边有许多心地朴厚、与人为善的男男女女。Around us there are many men and women who are simple-minded and kind-hearted.

不一会儿,象往常一样,由男男女女汇成的人流向出口涌去。In a few moments the usual stream of men and women was rushing through the gate.

真实的情形是,非常多的男男女女既不禁欲也不性专一。Indeed, very many females and males are neither abstinent nor sexually exclusive.

我们看着窗外成千的男男女女一起祷告,他略有所思的说道,“这里会有民主吗?We looked out of a window at the thousands of men and women gathered there, praying.

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纵观世界,我看到过奇迹发生在各行各业的男男女女的生活之中。I have seen miracles happen to men and women in all walks of life all over the world.

预言家们的作用在于以他们所憧憬的东西去激励普通的男男女女。Prophets perform their service by inspiring ordinary men and women with their vision.

当我们穿上军装的男男女女响应号召参军时,他们的家庭同样在付出。When our men and women in uniform answer the call to serve, their families serve, too.